You have just created a Java library project. This project can be built using Gradle.
What all has been already taken care for you:
- A boilerplate
- Easily generate IntelliJ Idea project files with
gradle idea
- Checkstyle configuration
- Jacoco code coverage
- Bintray maven publish integration for your library (.jar)
- Release plugin will walk you through publishing you library (.jar)
- Comprehensive
- so that unnecessary files don't get checked in. (generated if --with-git is used) - Uses jcenter (faster) maven repo
You project looks like :
|--+ src/ (put your Java source files here)
|--+ config/
|--+ checkstyle/
|--+ checkstyle.xml (checkstyle rule config)
|--+ checkstyle-suppressions.xml (suppressions for unit tests)
|--+ checkstyle.xsl (stylesheet to produce HTML report)
|--+ gradle/ (contains binaries for gradle wrapper)
|--+ gradlew (gradle warpper script for unix/linux/mac)
|--+ gradlew.bat (gradle warpper script for windows)
|--+ build.gradle (build script)
|--+ quality.gradle (additional build script implementing jacoco and checkstyle)
|--+ (build properties, including project version)
|--+ (This README)
|--+ LICENSE.txt (Apache 2.0 License text)
- A simpler directory structure is suitable for a library where you don't have webapp/resources etc.
- When you need to publish your library to Bintray, set bintrayUser & bintrayKey in
- Generate wrapper using
gradle wrapper