- run composer install
This loads a csv file into the database
/api/loadcountycsv - This loads the country csv file into the database
/api/loadcurrencycsv - This loads the currency csv file into the database
/api/countries - This endpoint fetches the first 10 records from the database
/api/countries?page=1 - fetches the first 10 records
/api/countries?page=2 - fetches from 10 - 20
/api/countries?page=3 - fetches from 20 - 30
one or more of the above can be added as query parameter for search E.g /api/countries?continent_code=NA¤cy_code=IS
/api/currencies - This endpoint fetches the first 10 records from the database
/api/currencies?page=1 - fetches the first 10 records
/api/currencies?page=2 - fetches from 10 - 20
/api/currencies?page=3 - fetches from 20 - 30
one or more of the above can be added as query parameter for search E.g /api/currencies?continent_code=NA¤cy_code=IS