This project contains my learning notes in computer science, the notes are powered by jupyter notebook
, gitbook
, sharelatex
- Basis of Computer Engineering: Computer Networks; Operating System.
- Data Science: Machine Learning; Statistics.
- Databases: MongoDB; MySQL; Redis.
- Development Tools: Git; Vim.
- Mathematics: Linear Algebra; Probability Theory.
- Programming Languages: C/C++; Python.
- System Design: High Performance Computing; Server Software.
Book: Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach
- Publisher: China Machine Press
- ISBN: 9787111453789
- Authors: James F.Kurose, Keith W.Ross
Open Course: Operating System
- Publisher: Tsinghua University
- Course code: THU - 30240243X
- Lecturers: Xiang Yong, Chen Yu
Book - Computer Systems - TODO
Open Course: Machine Learning
- Publisher: Stanford University
- Course code: Stanford - Machine Learning
- Lecturers: Andrew Ng
Required Course: Uncertainty Modelling for Intelligent Systems
- Publisher: University of Bristol
- Course code: UoB - EMATM1120
- Lecturers: Jonathan Lawry
Book - MongoDB: The Definitive Guide - TODO
Book - High Performance MySQL - SUSPENDED
Book - The Design and Implementation of Redis - TODO
Book: Pro Git
- Publisher: Apress
- ISBN: 9781484200773
- Authors: Scott Chacon, Ben Straub
Open Course: Linear Algebra
- Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Course code: MIT - 18.06
- Lecturers: Gilbert Strang
Book: C++ Primer
- Publisher: Publishing House Electronics Industry
- ISBN: 9787121200380
- Authors: Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo
Book: Effective C++
- Publisher: Publishing House Electronics Industry
- ISBN: 9787121123320
- Authors: Scott Meyers
Book: The Annotated STL Sources
- Publisher: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press
- ISBN: 9787560926995
- Authors: Hou Jie
Required Course: High Performance Computing
- Publisher: University of Bristol
- Course code: UoB - COMS30005 & COMS30006
- Lecturers: Simon McIntosh-Smith, Gethin Williams
Required Course: Server Software
- Publisher: University of Bristol
- Course code: UoB - COMSM2001
- Lecturers: Steve Gregory