Ask the class what they should do next
- bring the add note button into js
- Add a click event to the button
- When the button is clicked:
- create a div with all the styling and tags
- add the note class to include note styling
- use inner html to create the buttons and icons
- append the div to the body of the document
- Bring in the delete button
- Add an event listener so that on click, it removes .note (which is a div)
- Bring in the edit button
- add an event listener on the button
- inside of the event listener, toggle between
main and textArea.
- bring in textArea and .main into js
- add the toggle() to main and text area
- Add placeholder text
- add placeholder text in add new note
- set the textArea's and .main's value to text
- Add eventListener on textArea update the main and toggle input to show the same text
- create a function to to update local storage
- save all the text in the notes
- for each note created, add it to an empty array
- save the list of notes to local storage
- update the local storage whenever a note is created
- parse the notes from the array
- If there is a note saved in storage, for each note in storage, call addNewNote and pass note as an arg# notes-app