A Memory Profiler for Diagnosing Memory Problems in MapReduce Applications
- Our enhanced Hadoop-1.2.0, which supports generating heap dump at the i-th <k, v> record or <k, list(v)> group.
- Our enhanced Eclipse MAT, which supports extracting user objects and framework objects from the heap dump of the map/reduce task.
- Run Hadoop jobs.
- When OOM occurs in a job, please record the job id and failed task id.
- Run
to collect the logs, dataflow counters, and JVM heap usage. - Run
to get additional dump configurations. - Rerun the job with the configurations.
- Collect the the heap dumps from the cluster.
- Run our
enhanced Eclipse MAT
to get the 'Framework objects@OOM' and 'User objects@record(i)' - Run
to get the diagnosis report.
The following items list the results of error diagnosis on InMemWordCount.
(a) Framework Objects:
| Framework object | Object type | RetainedHeap | | :----------- | :----------- | -----------: | -----------: | | kvbuffer (map buffer) | byte[398458880] @ 0xc1800000 | 398,458,896 B |
(b) User Objects:
| User object | Object type | RetainedHeap | Length | Referenced thread | code() | |:------------| -------------:| -------------:| ------:|:------------ | ----------:| :------ | :------| | wordCounter | java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 | 430,875,440 B | 1,017,646 | main | map() |
User object (java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0) is referenced by
|------ in map() in main ------|
at java.util.HashMap.put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; (HashMap.java:372)
java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 [285578]
at mapper.WordCountOOM$InputDocumentsTokenizerMapper.map(Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/apache/hadoop/io/Text;Lorg/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/Mapper$Context;)V (WordCountOOM.java:49)
mapper.WordCountOOM$InputDocumentsTokenizerMapper @ 0xdbc2fda0 [281204]
java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 [285578]
The corresponding code snippet is labeled with "==>":
public static class InputDocumentsTokenizerMapper extends
Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable> {
private Map<String, Integer> wordCounter;
private final Text wordText = new Text();
private final IntWritable totalCountInDocument = new IntWritable();
public void setup(Context context) throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
wordCounter = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());
// Count every word in a document
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String word = st.nextToken();
if (wordCounter.containsKey(word)) {
wordCounter.put(word, wordCounter.get(word) + 1);
} else {
wordCounter.put(word, 1); ==> wordCounter (java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0)
public void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
// Emit each word as well as its count
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : wordCounter.entrySet()) {
context.write(wordText, totalCountInDocument);
Quantified relationship between user objects and input data in map():
Symptoms => Causes:
- PearsonCorrelation = 0.99 => Linear memory growth in [R1, R9651) => Large map-level accumulated results (i.e., wordCounter accmulates too many <word, count>s) => Error-related data is [R1, R9651) (i.e., all the input records of map())
- Mo = 1.2 MB => No sharp growth at R9651 => There is not large record-level intermediate restuls
- R9651 = 151KB => No large single record
Error-relaed data => Improper configurations:
All the input records of map() => Large input split size (here, it is 512MB)
- Lower the input split size
- Avoid accmulative operation on all the input records of map()
- NLPLemmatizer
- InMemWordCount
- MapSideAggregation
- PigDistinctCount
- CDHJob
- MahoutBayes
- MahoutConvertText
- HashJoin
- ShuffleInMemory
- Wordcount-like
- PigJoin
- PigOrderLimit
- GraphPartitioner
- FindFrequentValues
- ReduceJoin
- PositionalIndexer
- BuildInvertedIndex
- CooccurMatrix
- JoinLargeGroups
- MahoutSSVD
- GroupByOperator
- HashSetJoin
- ShuffleError
- CollaborativeFiltering
- CrawlDatum
- TraceDataAnalysis
- PutSortReducer