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A Memory Profiler for Diagnosing Memory Problems in MapReduce Applications

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A Memory Profiler for Diagnosing Memory Problems in MapReduce Applications



  1. Run Hadoop jobs.
  2. When OOM occurs in a job, please record the job id and failed task id.
  3. Run profile.profiler.SingleJobProfiler.main() to collect the logs, dataflow counters, and JVM heap usage.
  4. Run dataflow.model.job.JobDataflowModelBuilder.main() to get additional dump configurations.
  5. Rerun the job with the configurations.
  6. Collect the the heap dumps from the cluster.
  7. Run our enhanced Eclipse MAT to get the 'Framework objects@OOM' and 'User objects@record(i)'
  8. Run object.model.job.DumpedObjectsAnalyzer.OOMAnalyzer.main() to get the diagnosis report.


The following items list the results of error diagnosis on InMemWordCount.

1. Memory-consuming objects

(a) Framework Objects:

| Framework object | Object type | RetainedHeap | | :----------- | :----------- | -----------: | -----------: | | kvbuffer (map buffer) | byte[398458880] @ 0xc1800000 | 398,458,896 B |

(b) User Objects:

| User object | Object type | RetainedHeap | Length | Referenced thread | code() | |:------------| -------------:| -------------:| ------:|:------------ | ----------:| :------ | :------| | wordCounter | java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 | 430,875,440 B | 1,017,646 | main | map() |

2. Memory-consuming code snippets

User object (java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0) is referenced by

|------ in map() in main ------|
at java.util.HashMap.put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; (
	java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 [285578]
at mapper.WordCountOOM$;Lorg/apache/hadoop/io/Text;Lorg/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/Mapper$Context;)V (
	mapper.WordCountOOM$InputDocumentsTokenizerMapper @ 0xdbc2fda0 [281204]
	java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0 [285578]

The corresponding code snippet is labeled with "==>":

public static class InputDocumentsTokenizerMapper extends
		Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable> {

	private Map<String, Integer> wordCounter;
	private final Text wordText = new Text();
	private final IntWritable totalCountInDocument = new IntWritable();

	public void setup(Context context) throws IOException,
			InterruptedException {

		wordCounter = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

	public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
			throws IOException, InterruptedException {

		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());
		// Count every word in a document
		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
			String word = st.nextToken();
			if (wordCounter.containsKey(word)) {
				wordCounter.put(word, wordCounter.get(word) + 1);
			} else {
				wordCounter.put(word, 1); ==> wordCounter (java.util.HashMap @ 0xdbc5e0c0)

	public void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException,
			InterruptedException {

		// Emit each word as well as its count
		for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : wordCounter.entrySet()) {
			context.write(wordText, totalCountInDocument);

3. Root cause in user code and error-related data

Quantified relationship between user objects and input data in map():

Symptoms => Causes:

  • PearsonCorrelation = 0.99 => Linear memory growth in [R1, R9651) => Large map-level accumulated results (i.e., wordCounter accmulates too many <word, count>s) => Error-related data is [R1, R9651) (i.e., all the input records of map())
  • Mo = 1.2 MB => No sharp growth at R9651 => There is not large record-level intermediate restuls
  • R9651 = 151KB => No large single record

4. Improper job configurations

Error-relaed data => Improper configurations:

All the input records of map() => Large input split size (here, it is 512MB)

5. Fix suggestions

  • Lower the input split size
  • Avoid accmulative operation on all the input records of map()

5. Real-world OOM cases used for evaluation

  1. NLPLemmatizer
  2. InMemWordCount
  3. MapSideAggregation
  4. PigDistinctCount
  5. CDHJob
  6. MahoutBayes
  7. MahoutConvertText
  8. HashJoin
  9. ShuffleInMemory
  10. Wordcount-like
  11. PigJoin
  12. NestedDISTINCT
  13. PigOrderLimit
  14. GraphPartitioner
  15. FindFrequentValues
  16. ReduceJoin
  17. PositionalIndexer
  18. BuildInvertedIndex
  19. CooccurMatrix
  20. JoinLargeGroups
  21. MahoutSSVD
  22. GroupByOperator
  23. HashSetJoin
  24. ShuffleError
  25. CollaborativeFiltering
  26. CrawlDatum
  27. TraceDataAnalysis
  28. PutSortReducer


A Memory Profiler for Diagnosing Memory Problems in MapReduce Applications






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