Tool to help pick a next challenge to do on RingZer0, based on the heuristic that more solves means that a challenge is likely easier to solve. Weights the number of solves by the number of points for the challenge.
- Uses Python 3;
- Relies on HTML parsing, so relatively brittle;
- Doesn't take into account challenges that have other challenges as a prerequisite;
- Implicitly doesn't promote new/newer challenges, but they might still be worth trying;
- Learning is the most important part of R0, so don't take this tool ordering too seriously. :)
> python 2574 # look up 'dysleixa' (/profile/2574)
Score Name Id # Solves # Points
------- ----------------------------- ---- ---------- ----------
1088 Linux x64 shellcoding level 4 132 136 8
1032 Linux x64 shellcoding level 3 131 172 6
972 Linux x64 shellcoding level 6 134 81 12
950 Linux x64 shellcoding level 5 133 95 10
950 Quote of the day reloaded 38 190 5
892 Linux x64 shellcoding level 2 128 223 4
840 Size DOES matter 78 120 7
840 The useless search tool 123 105 8
792 Hot Single Mom 158 132 6
672 PHP Jail 5 227 112 6
Guess I should get back to that shellcoding track...
Uses Python 3.
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
> python -h
usage: [-h] [--points-weight POINTS_WEIGHT] [-n MAX_CHALLENGES]
Lists the unsolved challenges on R0 (using the given user ID), sorted to help
pick the next unsolved challenge that has the most solves, weighted by points.
positional arguments:
userid User ID (from your profile URL).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--points-weight POINTS_WEIGHT
Weight contributed by the challenge points to the
sorting score.
Max number of challenges to display. Set to high
number to display all.