This demo is a simple poc where I'm testing out ideas for deploying prefect.
prefect is quite simple to get started with but you may need to bury your head in the docs for a little bit if you want to go live with it on a production server. If you're thinking about deploying prefect on the cloud I suggest you start by studying the work pool section in prefect how-to guide as it's very practical, intuitive, and well put together.
I think a neat way to manage your code should be:
use git for storage
manage your deployment using the prefect.yaml file
leverage prefect blocks as much as possible.
using work-pools for deployment means you need infrastructure for your flow to be executed in
the overall idea with deploying prefect is that:
you define your tasks and execute them within a flow
create a deployment object based on your flow
deployments can either be work-pool-based or not require a work-pool
you can use flow.serve() to start a server-styled deployment which will require dedicated infra that's always up. This won't require a work-pool
you can use flow.deploy() to initiate a work-pool based deployment
deployments that require a work-poolrequires that you associte your flow deployment to the workpool created
in this repo I have used a process-type workpool requiring a worker to manage my deployments but I think the serverless infra approach is also very interesting and should be considered
Prefect isn't opinionated which makes it easy to pick up and test ideas with but one of the most interesting challenge I faced with prefect was how to arrange my code. here, i have used a python package style approach defining a pyproject.toml file in the project root and install my project (executing pip install -e .
) at the project root to ensure my changes are always hot-reloaded. i think the structure i followed here can still be improved upon (all things prefect related - tasks, flows should live in the same folder e.g etl/flows, etl/tasks, etl/hooks, etl/utils, etc.) but i have explored this structure to test out a few things!
- setting up prefect cloud
- how to use the bash scripts
- ci/cd with github actions
- deploying your worker in a vm or ec2 instance
my work was inspired by Mira Thidel article on creating event driven serverless etl pipelines