Things that I'm actively working on:
- Personal Site - personal blog and portfolio site built in Astro 🚀 and composed by yaml and markdown files. Check it out here.
Some things that I've done in the past are below. Check out more in my repository list.
- Zombie Survival
- one of gmod's most well-known games. An asymmetrical pvp game about survivors fending off player-controlled zombies and nightmarish creatures. Written in Lua.
- Extreme Football Throwdown
- gmod pvp game about football and slamming people in to walls with giant bats.
- Retro Team Play
- one of the oldest gmod pvp games about warriors, wizards, and conjurers.
- Awesome Strike
- pvp game that's a parody of counter-strike and gunz: the duel.
- Lua Animations API - create animations in-engine and play them back through Lua calls without having to use a modeling program.
- Fretta13 - one of the most popular Lua gamemode bases for gmod.
- Darkfall - Data Exporter - Python script that decrypts and unpacks the Darkfall sfai game files.
- Darkfall - LevyWatch - optical character recognition program to read the world map in Darkfall to predict where player activity is. Written in C# and uses Tesseract OCR.
- noxiousnet - the Lua code that powered the old noxiousnet game servers.
- Valhalla Run - singleplayer, 1st person platformer written in C# and made in Unity. Won 1st place at my university game programming competition.
- Unreal Engine 4 - Untitled Game - multiplayer arena RPG written in C++ and made in Unreal 4.
- Booru Tag Parser / Booru Tag Parser Server - js + tampermonkey browser addon and its Python sister program. Downloads original sized image files from boorus and also scrapes the page for any tags.
- Archive Scraper - Discord bot that scrapes chan archive sites for any Discord invites and reposts them in your Discord channel. Written in TypeScript and uses discord.js.