This demo is running by ByteDance's opensouce framework 'Hertz'
I am studying for how to become great in software archiecture, And I was a java coder for over ten years, But there is some feature about Golang is attractive to me, So I am trying to study Golang and write code for architecture, That was the reason why I created this open-source project.
- microsevice -- 微服务示例,如接入nacos
- middleware -- 中间件示例,如rocketMq
- request -- 通讯示例,http, websocet, I will consider to removing this module, or making some
- adjustments.
- route -- 网关、负载均衡
Which algorithm are in Loadbalance
- Round Robin
- Last Connections
- Weigted Least Connections
- IP Hash
- Random