Simulation of a robotic swarm with various methods of human control.
Press numbers 0 - 6 to switch between control modes.
- 0 is null; no control, drones just drift around.
- 1 is carrot; carrot can be moved around scene, and swarm follows.
- 2 is vector based control at swarm COM.
- 3 is vector based control at center of implied circle w/ optional visualization of the circle.
- 4 is leader that rest of the swarm flock to -- leader holds the carrot.
- 5 is leader where carrot drags behind leader at distance based on size of swarm when leader turns, carrot will slowly move to keep being behind the leader.
- 6 is the above, but the carrot won't stay behind the leader, so it's like the leader is dragging the carrot on a chain.
In control modes 0 and 1, you have direct control over a flying drone.
In this mode:
- Use WASD or Arrow Keys to control the drone movement, and the mouse to look around.
- Use Q and E to go up and down.
- Use CTRL and Shift to slow down or speed up.
- Press F to shoot a ball out of the cannon (which can be used to flip drones)
- Press Z and X to change the power that balls are shot out.
In the other control modes, simply use WASD or Arrow Keys to control the swarm/leader.