This repository contains the ROVIO (Robust Visual Inertial Odometry) framework. The code is open-source, but please remember that it is strongly coupled to on-going research and thus some parts are not fully mature yet. Furthermore, the code will also be subject to changes in the future which could include greater re-factoring of some parts.
- ros
- kindr (
- lightweight_filtering (
catkin build rovio --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Additional dependencies: opengl, glut, glew (sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev, sudo apt-get install libglew-dev)
catkin build rovio --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMAKE_SCENE=ON
- Camera matrix and distortion parameters should be provided by a yaml file or loaded through rosparam
- The cfg/ provides most parameters for rovio. The camera extrinsics qCM (quaternion from IMU to camera frame, JPL-convention) and MrMC (Translation between IMU and Camera expressed in the IMU frame) should also be set there. They are being estimated during runtime so only a rough guess should be sufficient.