conda env create --file environment.yaml
We provide our training and testing codes of our method for Inception-V3 trained with ImageNet-1K and ConvNeXt-Tiny trained with Stanford Cars.
The parser (--data-path
) means where datasets exist and the default is ./dataset
Stanford Cars will be automatically downloaded if you execute
, while ImageNet should be downloaded manually from .
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model inception_v3 --dataset imagenet --operator pfno --val-resize-size 341 --val-crop-size 299 --train-crop-size 299 --lr 0.001 --lr-step-size 20 --output-dir ./checkpoints/inception_imagenet_first_phase/ --train-data-size 299
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model inception_v3 --dataset imagenet --operator pfno --val-resize-size 341 --val-crop-size 299 --train-crop-size 299 --lr 1e-6 --lr-step-size 10 --output-dir ./checkpoints/inception_imagenet_second_phase/ --resume ./checkpoints/inception_imagenet_first_phase/model_{}.pth --train-data-size 299,32,64,128 --second-phase
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model convnext --dataset cars --batch-size 128 --opt adamw --lr 1e-3 --lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-epochs 5 --lr-warmup-method linear --auto-augment ta_wide --epochs 600 --random-erase 0.1 --label-smoothing 0.1 --mixup-alpha 0.2 --cutmix-alpha 1.0 --weight-decay 0.05 --norm-weight-decay 0.0 --val-resize-size 256 --val-crop-size 224 --train-crop-size 224 --ra-sampler --ra-reps 4 --output-dir ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_fine --train-data-size 224
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model convnext --operator pfno_large --dataset cars --batch-size 128 --opt adamw --lr 1e-3 --lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-epochs 5 --lr-warmup-method linear --auto-augment ta_wide --epochs 600 --random-erase 0.1 --label-smoothing 0.1 --mixup-alpha 0.2 --cutmix-alpha 1.0 --weight-decay 0.05 --norm-weight-decay 0.0 --val-resize-size 256 --val-crop-size 224 --train-crop-size 224 --ra-sampler --ra-reps 4 --resume ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_fine/model_{}.pth --output-dir ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_first_phase --train-data-size 224 --fine-grain-tuned
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model convnext --operator pfno_large --dataset cars --batch-size 128 --opt adamw --lr 1e-6 --lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-epochs 5 --lr-warmup-method linear --auto-augment ta_wide --epochs 600 --random-erase 0.1 --label-smoothing 0.1 --mixup-alpha 0.2 --cutmix-alpha 1.0 --weight-decay 0.05 --norm-weight-decay 0.0 --val-resize-size 256 --val-crop-size 224 --train-crop-size 224 --ra-sampler --ra-reps 4 --resume ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_first_phase/model_{}.pth --output-dir ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_second_phase --train-data-size 224,32,64,128 --second-phase
means the number of gpus to use.
the best checkpoints from the former phase.
We released checkpoints for inception v3 on imagenet.
To reproduce our results, --val-resize-size
and --val-crop-size
should be adjusted.
The following sets of sizes are used for evaluation.
val resize size | 36 | 73 | 146 | 256 | 341 |
val crop size | 32 | 64 | 128 | 224 | 299 |
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model inception_v3 --dataset imagenet --operator pfno_small --val-resize-size 341 --val-crop-size 299 --test-only --resume ./checkpoints/inception_imagenet/model.pth
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --model convnext --dataset cars --operator pfno_large --val-resize-size 256 --val-crop-size 224 --test-only --resume ./checkpoints/convnext_cars_second_phase/model_{}.pth