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JixiangChen-Jimmy committed Mar 30, 2022
1 parent 306124d commit 886ca86
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,165 additions and 23 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
from GP_model import GP
import numpy as np
from platypus import NSGAII, Problem, Real, Solution, InjectedPopulation, Archive
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
from smt.sampling_methods import LHS
import pandas as pd
import GPy
from prefer_select import Preferred_select

# eta is a hyperparameters
# lsx : the collected x in last round
# lsy : the test function value corresponding to the collected x in last round
class DMEA:
def __init__(self, f, lb, ub, num_init, max_iter, k, path, mo_eval=7000, func_name=None, eta=0):
f: the objective function:
input: D row vector
output: scalar value
lb: lower bound
ub: upper bound
num_init: number of initial random sampling
max_iter: number of iterations
B: batch size, the total number of function evaluations would be num_init + B * max_iter
self.f = f = lb.reshape(lb.size)
self.ub = ub.reshape(ub.size)
self.dim =
self.num_init = num_init
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.k = k # batch size
self.mo_eval = mo_eval
self.func_name = func_name
self.eta = eta
self.path = path
self.ddbbxx = []

domain = []
for i in range(lb.size):
gg = ([i], self.ub[i])
domain.append({'name': f'x_{i + 1}', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': gg})
self.domain = domain

def init(self):
# For initialization, the best self. B historical sampling points in the initial sampling are singled out
# as the historical sampling point of the recommended sampling points in previous round,
# so that the penalty information will be initialized at the first recommended point
# The recommended sample point information for the previous round is stored in self.lsx, self.lsy
# self.dbx stores all the X previously selected
# self.dby stores all the Y previously selected
self.dbx = np.zeros((self.num_init, self.dim))

# Latin hypercube sampling
xlimits = np.array([([i], self.ub[i]) for i in range(self.dim)])
samples = LHS(xlimits=xlimits, random_state=1)
self.dbx = samples(self.num_init)
self.ddbbxx = samples(self.num_init)

self.dby = np.zeros((self.num_init, 1))
self.best_y = np.inf

self.min_y = []
self.min_index = []

for i in range(self.num_init):
y = self.f(self.dbx[i])
if y < self.best_y:
self.best_y = y
self.best_x = self.dbx[i]
self.dby[i] = y

# the best self. B points are taken out as the initial lsx, lxy
dbx = self.dbx.tolist()
dby = self.dby.tolist()
db = pd.DataFrame({'dbx': dbx, 'dby': dby})
self.lsy = np.array(db['dby'][db['dby'].rank(method='first') - self.k <= 1e-3].tolist()).reshape(-1, 1)
self.lsx = np.array(db['dbx'][db['dby'].rank(method='first') - self.k <= 1e-3].tolist())
self.exx = np.array(db.drop(db.index[[db['dby'].rank(method='first') - self.k <= 1e-3]])['dbx'].tolist())
self.exy = np.array(db.drop(db.index[[db['dby'].rank(method='first') - self.k <= 1e-3]])['dby'].tolist())
# Initialize the Gaussian model
mean_ = np.mean(self.exy)
std_ = np.std(self.exy)
kern = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=self.dim, ARD=True)

self.m = GPy.models.GPRegression(self.exx, (self.exy - mean_) / std_, kern, noise_var=0)

def gen_guess(self):
num_guess = 1 + len(
guess_x = np.zeros((num_guess, self.dim))
guess_x[0, :] = self.best_x

def obj(x, m):
m, _ = m.predict(x[None, :])
return m

def gobj(x, m):
dmdx, _ = m.predictive_gradients(x[None, :])
return dmdx

bounds = [([i], self.ub[i]) for i in range(self.dim)]
for i in range(1, num_guess):
m =[i - 1]
xx = self.best_x + np.random.randn(self.best_x.size).reshape(self.best_x.shape) * 1e-3

def mobj(x):
return obj(x, m)

def gmobj(x):
return gobj(x, m)

x, _, _ = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mobj, xx, gmobj, bounds=bounds)
guess_x[i, :] = np.array(x)
return guess_x

def optimize(self):
self.best_y = np.min(self.dby)
self.P = np.zeros((1, 7)).ravel()
for iter in range(self.max_iter):
print('\n', self.func_name, f'{iter}/{self.max_iter}')
self.model = GP(iter=iter, train_x=self.dbx, train_y=self.dby, exx=self.exx, exy=self.exy, k=self.k,
lsx=self.lsx, lsy=self.lsy, P=self.P, f=self.f, domain=self.domain,
num_init=self.num_init, model=self.m, eta=self.eta)
self.P = self.model.CP
if iter == 0:
self.P = np.zeros((1, 7)).ravel()
self.exx = self.dbx
self.exy = self.dby
self.m = self.model.m
guess_x = self.gen_guess()
num_guess = guess_x.shape[0]

self.log = []

# Build a multi-objective optimization problem
def obj(x):
val = []
obj_list = self.model.MACE_acq(np.array([x]))
for i in range(len(obj_list)):
if obj_list[i][1] == 1:
obj_list[i][0] = -1 * np.log(1e-40 + obj_list[i][0])
return val

# self.dim is the number of decision variables,
# 3 is the number of multi-objective optimization problem,That is, the number of acquisition functions:
# The acquisition functions are EI, LCB, and PI
problem = Problem(self.dim, 3)

for i in range(self.dim):
problem.types[i] = Real([i], self.ub[i])

init_s = [Solution(problem) for i in range(num_guess)]
for i in range(num_guess):
init_s[i].variables = [x for x in guess_x[i, :]]

problem.function = obj
gen = InjectedPopulation(init_s)
arch = Archive()

# to Use the NSGAII algorithm to calculate multi-objective optimization
algorithm = NSGAII(problem, population=100, generator=gen, archive=arch)

if len(algorithm.result) > self.k:
optimized = algorithm.result

optimized = algorithm.population

x_one_optimal = np.array(optimized[0].objectives)
dimention = x_one_optimal.shape[0]
trust_vector = self.model.T
assert len(trust_vector) == dimention
# X_pf Stored the pareto front of multi-objective acquisition functions optimized in this round
# X_ps Stored the pareto optimal corresponding to X_pf in the round

X_pf = np.array([np.array(optimized[i].objectives) for i in range(len(optimized))])
X_ps = np.array([np.array(optimized[i].variables) for i in range(len(optimized))])
# Use pandas to combine all X_pf and X_ps, and then delete the entire row
# (including the column of X_pf and X_ps) depending on whether the X_ps is duplicated or not
X_pf_ps = pd.DataFrame()

for i in range(X_pf.shape[1]):
X_pf_ps.loc[:, f'pf{i}'] = X_pf[..., i].flatten()

for i in range(X_ps.shape[1]):
X_pf_ps.loc[:, f'ps{i}'] = X_ps[..., i].flatten()

subset_ps = [f'ps{i}' for i in range(X_ps.shape[1])]

X_pf_ps.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)
X_pf_ps = X_pf_ps.drop_duplicates(subset=subset_ps, keep="first")

# Remove duplicate elements from the X_pf
X_pf = X_pf_ps.iloc[:, 0:X_pf.shape[1]]
X_ps = X_pf_ps.iloc[:, -X_ps.shape[1]:]
X_pf = np.array(X_pf)
X_ps = np.array(X_ps)

X_c = []

if len(X_ps) > self.k:
repeat_num = 0
# Merge the three pareto optimals selected in this round and self.dbx,
# and then check whether repeat or not and delete.
# comparing the newly merged self.dbx before and after the deletion,if the length of the array changes,
# the difference before and after array length is noted as repeat_num and assigned to
# the Preferred select strategy
self_dbx_pd = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(self.dbx.shape[1]):
self_dbx_pd.loc[:, f'dbx{i}'] = self.dbx[..., i].flatten()
subset_dbx = [f'dbx{i}' for i in range(self.dbx.shape[1])]

self_dbx_pd = self_dbx_pd.drop_duplicates(subset=subset_dbx, keep="first")
self.dbx = self_dbx_pd.to_numpy()

for ii in range(dimention):
a = X_pf[:, ii]
list_a = a.tolist()
min_index = list_a.index(min(list_a))
x = np.array(X_ps[min_index])
self.dbx = np.append(self.dbx, x.reshape(1, x.size), axis=0)
len_dbx_bef = len(self.dbx)
dbx_pd = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(self.dbx.shape[1]):
dbx_pd.loc[:, f'dbx{i}'] = self.dbx[..., i].flatten()
subset_dbx = [f'dbx{i}' for i in range(self.dbx.shape[1])]
dbx_pd = dbx_pd.drop_duplicates(subset=subset_dbx, keep="first")
self.dbx = dbx_pd.to_numpy()
len_dbx_after = len(self.dbx)
if len_dbx_after != len_dbx_bef:
repeat_num += 1

# Preferred select strategy
X_reco_pf = Preferred_select(self.k - dimention + repeat_num, trust_vector, X_pf, X_ps, self.dbx)

for k in X_reco_pf:
prefer_x = X_reco_pf
for i in prefer_x:
x = np.array(X_ps[i])
self.dbx = np.append(self.dbx, x.reshape(1, x.size), axis=0)

elif len(X_ps) == self.k:

for i in range(len(X_ps)):
for i in X_c:
x = np.array(X_ps[i])
self.dbx = np.append(self.dbx, x.reshape(1, x.size), axis=0)

for i in range(len(X_ps)):
for i in range(self.k - len(X_ps)):
for i in X_c:
x = np.array(X_ps[i])
self.dbx = np.append(self.dbx, x.reshape(1, x.size), axis=0)
lsx = []
lsy = []
# evaluate the selected B points
for i in X_c:
x = np.array(X_ps[i])
y = self.f(x) # evaluation

if y < self.best_y:
self.best_y = y
self.best_x = x

self.ddbbxx = np.append(self.ddbbxx, x.reshape(1, x.size), axis=0)
self.dby = np.append(self.dby, y.reshape(1, 1), axis=0)
self.dbx = self.ddbbxx

self.lsx = np.array(lsx)
self.lsy = np.array(lsy).reshape(-1, 1)

# Save the Pareto front and solution in each iteration
pf = np.array([s.objectives for s in optimized])
ps = np.array([s.variables for s in optimized]) = pf = ps


# Save the smallest test function value in each iteration
min_y_2 = self.dby.min()
min_x_index = (np.where(self.dby == min_y_2)[0][0])
min_index_2 = np.concatenate((np.array([min_y_2]), self.dbx[min_x_index]), axis=0)

np.savetxt(f'{self.path[0]}/min_y_' + f'Batchsize{self.k}' + f'max_iter{self.max_iter}' + f'_{self.func_name}' + f'_eta_{self.eta}' + '.txt',
self.min_index, delimiter=',', fmt='%s')

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