This is a minimal example Elm app that is deployed to Netlify (see the live site).
This is a GitHub template repository which allows you to initialize your own repo with the same files and directories as this (but not the history). To start using, click the big "Use this template" button at the top of the page
For more realistic apps, you will want to use more than the Elm compiler. Likely
you will want a bundler like Parcel. See the sister
project for a
starter that includes it.
Instead of relying on a system-wide install of the Elm compiler on my local
machine, I installed a local version to node_modules
via Yarn. You can see
this in the package.json
file. This allows me to build the app using my own
version of the compiler on Netlify instead of depending on them having something
already there when building production.
The repo is provided under the MIT License.