The backend for my Vue.js project. Written in Elixir with phoenix framework.
Version - Before creating a new release, make sure to update the version number in mix.exs
There are a few steps to creating and publishing a release, follow:
Generate a new release,
$mix edeliver build release production
- This builds new release and stores it in .edeliver/releases
- Make sure to change version number in mix.exs
Next, to push the new release,
$mix edeliver deploy release to production
- This uploads the release and extracts it, also starts the production server.
Check that the server is running the correct version,
$mix edeliver version production
- This is why updating the version number is crucial, without it testing version will be a tad more difficult.
Restart the production server,
$mix edeliver restart production
Run migrations!
$mix edeliver migrate production
If new migrations are added in a release, remember to do: $mix edeliver migrate production
Public endpoints:
The Habitica Clone API is hosted on a Digital Ocean droplet with the following specs:
- Image: Ubuntu 18.04 x64
- Size: 2 vCPUs, 4GB / 60GB Disk
While serving our Phoenix application from behind an Nginx
reverse proxy.
I used the following resources to achieve this setup.
- Elixir Phoneix 1.4 Deployments w/ Distillery and Edeliver on Ubuntu
can take a while to install on smaller droplets (15 to 60 minutes)- Getting a
error? Trysudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
or[email protected]
- Getting a
error and access logs are your friend. You may see502
s if you haven't applied migrations.- I removed
steps, as I'm hosting my client w/netlify
at a different domain - In the
step, you need to create asymlink
using something like this:sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
- Setting up SSL w/ Certbot
- Additional Nginx Server Configuration Info