Tags: JohannesHoppe/JsBestPractices
Toggle 2013_06_15_Craftsmanship's commit message
index.small.html contains a smaller version, title: Software Craftsma…
…nship with JavaScript
Toggle 2013-02-21_2nd_presentation's commit message
second presentation, shorter form for the .NET User Group Rhein Necka…
…r, black-yellow design
Toggle 2012-12-20_1st_presentation's commit message
first presentation, it was called "JavaScript Crash Course" and had a…
… classic serif-font layout
Toggle v2.1's commit message
fixed issue with dependency loader failing when there were 0 async sc…
…ripts (hakimel#214 )
Toggle v2.0's commit message
remove sharing code for sample presentation
Toggle v1.4's commit message
clean up initialization, conditionally load classList polyfill prior …
…to reveal.js
Toggle v1.3's commit message
comments, tweaks and a new slide highlighting mobile support
Toggle v1.2's commit message
better example of state usage
Toggle v1.1's commit message
Toggle v1.0's commit message
Merge pull request hakimel#5 from matthewlein/master
contenteditable and arrow keys
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