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This component provide flexible size-change animation for html element under react-dom framework.


  1. AnimatedSize provide the features that let element's width/height animate between auto and any size.
  2. Animation is provided by css transition so the component take less js-runtime compared with pure js implement.
  3. And AnimatedSize support perfect animation that you can stop animation or change animation dest or change animation duration at any time even AnimatedSize is animating or nested element's size is changing.


  • nested AnimatedSize is also fine.


  • most of the job is html renderer paint, more animation with less js-runtime.


npm i animated-size


import { AnimatedSize } from "animated-size";


const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(true);
<AnimatedSize widthFactor={open ? { size: "auto" } : { size: 0 }}>
  {/* your element*/}

Size Factor

export type Factor = {
  size?: SizeFactor /* default: undefined */;
  duration?: number /* unit: ms, default: 350 */;
  delay?: number /* unit: ms, default: 0 */;
  curve?: DataType.EasingFunction /* default: ease */;

export type SizeFactor = number | string | "auto" | undefined;
SizeFactor Requirement
number float or int that equal to or bigger than 0
string the string is valid for css width property
auto /
undefined /

For example: element's width is 150px.

<AnimatedSize widthFactor={/* set your factor */}>
  {/* if the entirely width (wrapper by span) is 150px */}
  <Element0 />
  <Element1 />

This width property of inline style sheet:

Type Property Code
number[2] 300px (150 * 2 px) widthFactor={{ size: 2 }}
string['50px'] 50px widthFactor={{ size: '50px' }}
auto auto widthFactor={{ size: 'auto' }}
undefined undefined widthFactor={{ size: undefined }} or widthFactor={{ }} or widthFactor={undefined}

Factor change behaviors:

From To Description
number[2] auto animate from 300px to 150px, then set the width property as 'auto'
number[2] undefined animate from 300px to 150px, then set the width property as undefined (remove width property from inline style sheet)
string['50px'] auto animate from 50px to 150px, then set the width property as 'auto'
string['50px'] undefined animate from 50px to 150px, then set the width property as undefined (remove width property from inline style sheet)
auto number[2] set the width property as 150px, then animate from 150px to 300px
undefined number[2] set the width property as 150px, then animate from 150px to 300px
auto string['50px'] set the width property as 150px, then animate from 150px to 50px
undefined string['50px'] set the width property as 150px, then animate from 150px to 50px
number[2] string['50px'] animate from 300px to 50px
string['50px'] number[2] animate from 50px to 300px
auto undefined set the width property as undefined (remove width property from inline style sheet)
undefined auto set the width property as auto
  • use auto or undefined for better performance when nested element may change its size.

Custom animation curve

AnimatedSize implement the animation that underlay is css transition. Setup factor other properties to custom your animation curve as well as duration and delay just like css transition.

    size: "auto",
    curve: "ease-in",
    duration: 200 /* unit: ms */,
    delay: 200 /* unit: ms */,
  <div>{/* your components */}</div>
  <div>{/* your components */}</div>
  {/* your other components */}

Custom wrapper

  widthFactor={/* set your factor */}
  heightFactor={/* set your factor */}
  builder={(ref) => (
    <div ref={ref}>{/* pass ref to dom element that let AnimatedSize access the element object. Should be the only one dom child of AnimatedSizeBuilder. */}
    {/* set your components that wrapper by div */}
  • AnimatedSize require wrapper dom element reference for calculation of this nested elements' total size

Inner element position

By default, AnimatedSize use flex layout (and center inner element) and the inner element follow the flex layout.

Change the parament axisDirection, mainAxisPosition and crossAxisPosition to custom your element position. Or directly set inline style sheet -- style parament.

Be careful when you use AnimatedSizeBuilder! AnimatedSizeBuilder require its direct child has its own Block formatting context(BFC). The children of flex will create their own BFC automatically. It is the reason why AnimatedSizeBuilder default display is flex. Checkout the storybook for more detail. Reference Block formatting context.

Nothing require to handle if you just use AnimatedSize. Because AnimatedSize will wrap additional dom on your nested components. The wrapper will create its own BFC.

By the way, by default AnimatedSize set overflow as hidden. Set style to override it if necessary.

  widthFactor={/* set your factor */}
  heightFactor={/* set your factor */}
  {/* your element */}
  • axisDirection - CSSProperties.flexDirection
  • mainAxisPosition - CSSProperties.justifyContent
  • crossAxisPosition - CSSProperties.alignItems
  widthFactor={/* set your factor */}
  heightFactor={/* set your factor */}
    overflow: 'visible',
    /* If you just want animation on height, don't override height prop in the style but it is ok to override width. The same goes for the other way around. */
  {/* your element */}
  • style

Interactive Demo

git clone
cd AnimatedSize
npm i
npm run storybook

Browser requirement

ResizeObserver support

Browser Version (or newer)
Chrome 64
Edge 79
Firefox 69
Safari 13.1
Safari on iOS 13.4

Component dependencies

  • react-dom
  • react-ref-composer

Issue report


Before version 3.0.0, the build target is es5.

After version 3.0.0, the build target is esnext. You should use some bundle tool to help your bundle this project code into your own project (like esbuild). Set your tsconfig file "module": "ESNext" and build system (like vite config file to convert your code to target platform compatible code.

Why esnext? Using esnext to compile this project and preform minimal transpiling. This can product less redundant code and reduce the package size for download.