D-PDU API driver for J2534 compatible devices. Currently supports only GM Tech2Win software.
- Any J2534 compatible interface with K-Line support (pin 7)
- Tested with:
- XHorse Mini-VCI J2534
- Mongoose Pro JLR
- Tech2Win
- Saab 9-5 with K-Line diagnostics (pre-2006 year models). The pins 7 and 8 of the DLC need to be shorted in order to access all diagnostic units in the car. Tested with MY2000.
- Possibly other Saab models which have only K-Line diagnostics
- Test more with real cars
- Find out why Saab 9-5 post-2006 fails communication with DICE through the K-Line
- ISO15765 / CAN support
- Install latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (x86): https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe
- Dowload latest release: https://github.com/JohnJocke/dpdu-passthru/releases
- Unzip package and run install.bat as administrator
- Build the project with Visual Studio 2022, using the Release x86 build configuration
- Install the driver by running the .bat installer as administrator: https://github.com/JohnJocke/dpdu-passthru/blob/master/installer/install_dev.bat
- Settings file can be found from C:\Users\Public\dpdu_settings.ini
- Settings:
- DisableTesterpresent: Set to 1 to disable sending testerpresent messages to the ECU
- FixTesterpresentDestination: Set to 1 if D-PDU host sends testerpresent messages to wrong destination
- AutoRestartComm: Set to 1 to automatically restart communication to correct destination