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Added DeadWheel Encoders
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jkenney2 committed Jul 23, 2020
1 parent d7dc2de commit 12f5b70
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Showing 4 changed files with 372 additions and 3 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware;

public class DeadWheelEncoder implements DcMotor {

public final MotorType MOTOR_TYPE;

RunMode mode = RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER;

private Direction direction = Direction.FORWARD;

//actual position of motor
private double actualPosition = 0.0;

//position to use as baseline for encoder tick calculation
private double encoderBasePosition = 0.0;

private double power = 0.0;

private int targetPosition = 0;

//Zero-power behavior
private ZeroPowerBehavior zeroPowerBehavior = ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE;

public DeadWheelEncoder(MotorType motorType) { MOTOR_TYPE = motorType; }

public void setMode(RunMode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
power = 0.0;
if (mode == RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER){
encoderBasePosition = actualPosition;

public RunMode getMode() {
return mode;

public int getCurrentPosition() {
int result = (int)Math.floor(actualPosition - encoderBasePosition);
return direction == Direction.FORWARD && MOTOR_TYPE.REVERSED ||
direction == Direction.REVERSE && !MOTOR_TYPE.REVERSED ? -result : result;

public void setTargetPosition(int pos) { targetPosition = pos; }

public int getTargetPosition() { return targetPosition; }

public boolean isBusy() {
return false;

public void setDirection(Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; }

public Direction getDirection() { return direction; }

public void setPower(double power) {
this.power = power;

public double getPower() {
return power;

* Update position of the deadwheel encoder
* @param radians Incremental clockwise rotation of the dead wheel in radians
public void update( double radians ){
final double TWO_PI = 2.0 * Math.PI;
double positionChange = radians * MOTOR_TYPE.TICKS_PER_ROTATION / TWO_PI;
if ((MOTOR_TYPE.REVERSED && direction == Direction.FORWARD) ||
(!MOTOR_TYPE.REVERSED && direction == Direction.REVERSE)) positionChange = -positionChange;
actualPosition += positionChange;

//For internal use only: for stopping and resetting motor between op mode runs
public synchronized void stopAndReset(){
power = 0.0;
actualPosition = 0.0;
encoderBasePosition = 0.0;
direction = Direction.FORWARD;

public void setZeroPowerBehavior(ZeroPowerBehavior beh){ zeroPowerBehavior = beh; }

public ZeroPowerBehavior getZeroPowerBehavior() { return zeroPowerBehavior; }

213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions Controller/src/virtual_robot/controller/robots/classes/
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package virtual_robot.controller.robots.classes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.*;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.transform.Rotate;
import virtual_robot.controller.BotConfig;
import virtual_robot.controller.VirtualBot;
import virtual_robot.controller.VirtualRobotController;
import virtual_robot.util.AngleUtils;

* For internal use only. Represents a robot with four mechanum wheels, color sensor, four distance sensors,
* a BNO055IMU, and a Servo-controlled arm on the back.
* MechanumBot is the controller class for the "mechanum_bot.fxml" markup file.
@BotConfig(name = "Encoder Bot", filename = "encoder_bot")
public class EncoderBot extends VirtualBot {

MotorType motorType;
MotorType encoderMotorType;
private DcMotorImpl[] motors = null;
//private VirtualRobotController.GyroSensorImpl gyro = null;
private BNO055IMUImpl imu = null;
private VirtualRobotController.ColorSensorImpl colorSensor = null;
private ServoImpl servo = null;
private VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl[] distanceSensors = null;
private DeadWheelEncoder rightEncoder = null;
private DeadWheelEncoder leftEncoder = null;
private DeadWheelEncoder xEncoder = null;

// backServoArm is instantiated during loading via a fx:id property.
@FXML Rectangle backServoArm;

//Dimensions in inches for drive wheels
private final double WHEEL_DIAMETER = 4.0;
private final double INTER_WHEEL_WIDTH = 16.0;
private final double INTER_WHEEL_LENGTH = 14.0;

//Dimensions in inches for encoder wheels.
//Right and left encoder wheels are oriented parallel to robot-Y axis (i.e., fwd-reverse)
//X Encoder wheel is oriented parallel to the robot-X axis (i.e., right-left axis)
private final double ENCODER_WHEEL_DIAMETER = 2.0;
//Distances of right and left encoder wheels from robot centerline (i.e., the robot-X coordinates of the wheels)
private final double LEFT_ENCODER_X = -6.0;
private final double RIGHT_ENCODER_X = 6.0;
//Distance of X-Encoder wheel from robot-X axis (i.e., the robot-Y coordinate of the wheel)
private final double X_ENCODER_Y = 0.0;

//Dimensions in pixels -- to be determined in the constructor
private double wheelCircumference;
private double interWheelWidth;
private double interWheelLength;
private double wlAverage;
private double encoderWheelRadius;
private double leftEncoderX;
private double rightEncoderX;
private double xEncoderY;

private double[][] tWR; //Transform from wheel motion to robot motion

public EncoderBot(){
motors = new DcMotorImpl[]{
distanceSensors = new VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl[]{
hardwareMap.get(VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl.class, "front_distance"),
hardwareMap.get(VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl.class, "left_distance"),
hardwareMap.get(VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl.class, "back_distance"),
hardwareMap.get(VirtualRobotController.DistanceSensorImpl.class, "right_distance")
imu = hardwareMap.get(BNO055IMUImpl.class, "imu");
colorSensor = (VirtualRobotController.ColorSensorImpl)hardwareMap.colorSensor.get("color_sensor");
servo = (ServoImpl)hardwareMap.servo.get("back_servo");
leftEncoder = hardwareMap.get(DeadWheelEncoder.class, "enc_left");
rightEncoder = hardwareMap.get(DeadWheelEncoder.class, "enc_right");
xEncoder = hardwareMap.get(DeadWheelEncoder.class, "enc_x");

//Dimensions in pixels
wheelCircumference = Math.PI * WHEEL_DIAMETER * botWidth / 18.0;
interWheelWidth = INTER_WHEEL_WIDTH * botWidth / 18.0;
interWheelLength = INTER_WHEEL_LENGTH * botWidth / 18.0;
wlAverage = (interWheelLength + interWheelWidth) / 2.0;
encoderWheelRadius = 0.5 * ENCODER_WHEEL_DIAMETER * botWidth / 18.0;
leftEncoderX = LEFT_ENCODER_X * botWidth / 18.0;
rightEncoderX = RIGHT_ENCODER_X * botWidth / 18.0;
xEncoderY = X_ENCODER_Y * botWidth / 18.0;

tWR = new double[][] {
{-0.25, 0.25, -0.25, 0.25},
{0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25},
{-0.25/ wlAverage, -0.25/ wlAverage, 0.25/ wlAverage, 0.25/ wlAverage},
{-0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25}

public void initialize(){
//backServoArm = (Rectangle)displayGroup.getChildren().get(8);
backServoArm.getTransforms().add(new Rotate(0, 37.5, 67.5));

protected void createHardwareMap(){
motorType = MotorType.Neverest40;
encoderMotorType = MotorType.Neverest40;
hardwareMap = new HardwareMap();
String[] motorNames = new String[] {"back_left_motor", "front_left_motor", "front_right_motor", "back_right_motor"};
for (String name: motorNames) hardwareMap.put(name, new DcMotorImpl(motorType));
String[] distNames = new String[]{"front_distance", "left_distance", "back_distance", "right_distance"};
for (String name: distNames) hardwareMap.put(name, DistanceSensorImpl());
//hardwareMap.put("gyro_sensor", GyroSensorImpl());
hardwareMap.put("imu", new BNO055IMUImpl(this, 10));
hardwareMap.put("color_sensor", ColorSensorImpl());
hardwareMap.put("back_servo", new ServoImpl());
String[] encoderNames = new String[] {"enc_right", "enc_left", "enc_x"};
for (String name: encoderNames) hardwareMap.put(name, new DeadWheelEncoder(encoderMotorType));

public synchronized void updateStateAndSensors(double millis){

double[] deltaPos = new double[4];
double[] w = new double[4];

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
deltaPos[i] = motors[i].update(millis);
w[i] = deltaPos[i] * wheelCircumference / motorType.TICKS_PER_ROTATION;
if (i < 2) w[i] = -w[i];

double[] robotDeltaPos = new double[] {0,0,0,0};
for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
for (int j = 0; j<4; j++){
robotDeltaPos[i] += tWR[i][j] * w[j];

double dxR = robotDeltaPos[0];
double dyR = robotDeltaPos[1];
double headingChange = robotDeltaPos[2];
double avgHeading = headingRadians + headingChange / 2.0;

double sin = Math.sin(avgHeading);
double cos = Math.cos(avgHeading);

double xOld = x;
double yOld = y;

x += dxR * cos - dyR * sin;
y += dxR * sin + dyR * cos;
headingRadians += headingChange;

//Need to account for possibility that robot has run in to the wall
if (x > (halfFieldWidth - halfBotWidth)) x = halfFieldWidth - halfBotWidth;
else if (x < (halfBotWidth - halfFieldWidth)) x = halfBotWidth - halfFieldWidth;
if (y > (halfFieldWidth - halfBotWidth)) y = halfFieldWidth - halfBotWidth;
else if (y < (halfBotWidth - halfFieldWidth)) y = halfBotWidth - halfFieldWidth;

if (headingRadians > Math.PI) headingRadians -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
else if (headingRadians < -Math.PI) headingRadians += 2.0 * Math.PI;


//For the deadwheel encoders, recalculate dXR and dYR to take into account the fact that the robot
//may have run into the wall.
double deltaX = x - xOld;
double deltaY = y - yOld;

dxR = deltaX * cos + deltaY * sin;
dyR = -deltaX * sin + deltaY * cos;

//Compute radians of rotation of each dead wheel encoder
double rightEncoderRadians = (dyR + rightEncoderX * headingChange) / encoderWheelRadius;
double leftEncoderRadians = -(dyR + leftEncoderX * headingChange) / encoderWheelRadius;
double xEncoderRadians = -(dxR - xEncoderY * headingChange) / encoderWheelRadius;

//Update positions of the dead wheel encoders

colorSensor.updateColor(x, y);

final double piOver2 = Math.PI / 2.0;

for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){
double sensorHeading = AngleUtils.normalizeRadians(headingRadians + i * piOver2);
distanceSensors[i].updateDistance( x - halfBotWidth * Math.sin(sensorHeading),
y + halfBotWidth * Math.cos(sensorHeading), sensorHeading);


public synchronized void updateDisplay(){
((Rotate)backServoArm.getTransforms().get(0)).setAngle(-180.0 * servo.getInternalPosition());

public void powerDownAndReset(){
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) motors[i].stopAndReset();

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<RadialGradient centerX="0.4722222222222222" centerY="0.4666666666666667" radius="0.6046511627906976">
<Stop color="#3900ff" />
<Stop color="#ff00b6" offset="0.15649563534383953" />
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<Stop color="#00fffc" offset="0.8281391950073069" />
<Stop color="WHITE" offset="1.0" />
<Rectangle fx:id="backServoArm" arcHeight="5.0" arcWidth="5.0" fill="MAGENTA" height="5.0" stroke="BLACK" strokeType="INSIDE" width="37.5" x="5.0" y="65.0" />

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