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IS2150/TEL2810 Introduction to Security

Name: John Song
Date: 12/12/2023
github: CODE

How to run

  1. git clone the whole project.
  2. Use Intellj IDEA to open it.
  3. Open src folder to run as below.

1. Message Digest

folder: src-->

using SHA-256 & MD5 to encrypt message and output

2.A Authentication

folder: src--> Authentication_2A is main class to run.

this contains two sub classes--> &

2.B Signature

folder: src--> Signature_2B is main class to run.

contains two sub classes--> ElGamalAlice & ElGamalBob
Reference for formula

2.C Encryption

folder: src--> Encryption_2C_generatingDES & Encryption_2C

contains two sub classes --> CipherClient & CipherServer

since server side and client side execute at one computer, I generated DES key first to read file to get keys.
If you are trying to generate in the processing of sending message, one computer could not process client and server at same time so DES key may dismatch.

Operation: 1. execute Encryption_2C_generatingDES --> 2. Encryption_2C

2.D Public-Key System

folder: src --> Public_Key_RSA_2D

contains three classes --> Public_key_2D & Sender_2D & Receiver_2D
using RSA schema to generate 1. Confidentility 2. Integrity.
In the program, you could type 1 for confidenlity. type 2 for Integerity.

2.E X.509 Certificates

folder: src --> Certificates509_2E

use command line to genereate keys.

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias John -keystore keystore.jks  
keytool -export -alias John -storepass 123456 -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks 

contains two sub classes --> Client_2E & Server_2E


1. What are the limitations of using self-signed certificates?

  • Lack of trust by client and browsers
    Browsers and clients do not inherently trust self-signed certificates.
  • No Validation of Identity
    self-signed do not provide third-party validation.
  • Man-in-the-Middle attacks
    since the third-party is hard to validate, middle-man could attack.

2. What are self-signed certificates useful for?

  • Development and Testing Environment
    this allow developing and test to reduce the cost. Self-signed provides a covenient and cost-free to implement SSL.

  • Personal Project
    For individual project or small project, it could use self-signed.

  • Cost
    if people think about cost, self-signed is cheaper than CA-signed certificate.








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