Municipal waste management is crucial for sustainable urban development. Efficient waste management can lead to economic savings, reduced environmental impact, and improved public health. With its diverse regions and varied urbanization levels, the target country provides an ideal case study to explore the factors influencing the efficiency of waste management.
table for columns description -
Variable (Label) region (Region) province Province name (Name of municipality) tc (Cost per capita eur) cres residual cost per capita csor Sorted cost per caputa istat National code area km2 pop population alt altitude m.s.l. isle dummy municipality on isle sea dummy coastal municipality pden population density (people per km2) wden waste per km2 urb urbanization index (1 low, 3 high) fee fee scheme d_fee dmmy PAYT sample Reg with PAYT organic organic % paper paper% glass glass % wood wood % metal metal % plastic plastic % raee raee % texile texile % other other % msw_so msw sorted kg msw_un msw unsorted kg msw Municipal solid waste kg sor Share of sorther waste geo 1 South, 2 Center, 3 North roads Km of roads within the municipality s_wteregio Share of sw sent to W2E plants - regional figure s_landfill share of waste to landifil gdp Municipal revenues EUR (p) - log proads People per km of roads (log) wage Taxable income EUR (p) - log finance Municipal revenues EUR (p) - log