Hey! Thanks for checking me out.
I am very intrested in programming in general:
from games such as Minecraft (where I started and still work on today) to websites and discord bots!
Always working, just not on the things I should 🙃
📁 Click to view my projects!
- AudioSwitcher_v1: program written in c# that can switch audio devices with a key shortcut: see here
- Axoid: group of friends developing cool ways to run the interweb! (nothing public as of yet)
- Nothing else here?
Currently I have my other projects on private. This is because I want to clean them up and make them perfect before I set them to Public.👌
🤙 Click to learn more about me!
I work on many projects! It varies wildly depending on what I'm feeling. right now I am working on my website: Axoid.net !
I'm learning Rust. but also still learning new things on Typescript, CSharp, Python and Java.
Every time I learn something new I always find out there's so much more I don't know. I do plan on learning more languages! (like go)
I have a chicken that is over 14 years old.
And even though that is old for chickens, she is still teeming with life!!