CPU driven Cloth engine for Bevy using Verlet integration.
by Félix Lescaudey de Maneville
Add bevy_silk
as a dependency in the Cargo.toml
bevy_silk = "0.6"
Or follow the main git branch
bevy_silk = { git = "https://github.com/ManevilleF/bevy_silk" }
bevy_silk |
bevy |
0.1.0 | 0.7 |
0.2.0 | 0.7 |
0.3.0 | 0.8 |
0.4.0 | 0.9 |
0.5.0 | 0.10 |
0.6.0 | 0.11 |
Add the ClothPlugin
to your bevy app
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// ... Add your resources and systems
For a mesh to be used as cloth, add the ClothBuilder
component to any
entity with a Handle<Mesh>
are also required
cloth data which will be populated automatically from the associated
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
PbrBundle {
// Add your mesh, material and your custom PBR data
// Define pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
// Define the stick generation mode
// Defines the sticks target length option
// The cloth will compute flat mesh normals
Specifying vertex anchors allows to pin some cloth vertices to various
entities. The ClothBuilder
has multiple methods allowing to anchor
vertices through their id or color.
For example you can pin some cloth vertices to the cloth entity's
use bevy::prelude::Color;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
let cloth = ClothBuilder::new()
// Adds pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
// Adds a single pinned vertex id
// Adds pinned vertex colors using an Iterator
.with_pinned_vertex_colors([Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK].into_iter())
// Adds a single pinned vertex color
// Adds pinned vertex positions
.with_pinned_vertex_positions(|pos| pos.x > 0.0 && pos.z <= 5.0);
For more anchoring options, for example to specify a custom entity to pin the vertices to:
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
// Spawn an entity and get its id
let entity_a = commands
// Add your components
// ...
let anchor_to_a = VertexAnchor {
custom_target: Some(entity_a), // The anchor will pin the vertices to `entity_a`
custom_offset: Some(Vec3::new(1.0, 1.2, 0.0)), // Specify an extra offset from the target's `GlobalTransform`
let anchor_to_self = VertexAnchor {
custom_target: None, // The anchor will pin the cloth entity
custom_offset: Some(Vec3::new(-1.0, 0.0, -0.1)), // Specify an extra offset from the target's `GlobalTransform`
let cloth = ClothBuilder::new()
// Adds pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
.with_anchored_vertex_ids(0..9, anchor_to_a)
// Adds a single pinned vertex id
.with_anchored_vertex_id(10, anchor_to_self)
// Adds pinned vertex colors using an Iterator
.with_anchored_vertex_colors([Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK].into_iter(), anchor_to_a)
// Adds a single pinned vertex color
.with_anchored_vertex_color(Color::YELLOW, anchor_to_self)
// Adds pinned vertex positions
.with_anchored_vertex_positions(|pos| pos.x > 0.0 && pos.z <= 5.0, anchor_to_self);
Custom anchoring allows to :
- pin vertices to various entities, like skeletal mesh joints
- define custom offsets to customize the distance between the anchored vertices an the target
- use world space pinning and ignore the target's rotation for example
- override the vertex positions, using only the offset
You can customize the global cloth physics by inserting the ClothConfig
resource to your app:
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn main() {
.insert_resource(ClothConfig {
gravity: Vec3::new(0.0, -9.81, 0.0),
friction: 0.02,
sticks_computation_depth: 5,
acceleration_smoothing: AccelerationSmoothing::default()
// ... Add your resources and systems
can also be used as a component to override the global
You may add wind forces to the simulation for a more dynamic clothing effect, for each force you may choose from:
for constant wind forceWind::SinWave
for a sin wave following wind intensity with custom force and frequency.
forces can be added as a resource to your app through the Winds
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn main() {
.insert_resource(Winds {
wind_forces: vec![Wind::SinWave {
max_velocity: Vec3::new(10.0, 15.0, -5.0),
frequency: 3.0,
normalize: false,
abs: false
// ... Add your resources and systems
Check the flag example for simple wind effect.
Enabling the rapier_collisions
features enable cloth interaction with
other colliders. Add the bevy_rapier3d::RapierPhysicsPlugin
to your app
and a ClothCollider
to your entity to enable collisions:
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
PbrBundle {
// Add your mesh, material and your custom PBR data
Three bevy_rapier
components will be automatically inserted:
- a
- a
which will be updated every frame to follow the cloth bounds (AABB) - a
set to 0 (Group::NONE
) in everything, avoiding default collision solving.
You can customize what collisions will be checked through a CollisionGroups
(See the rapier docs).
Note: Collision support is still experimental for now and is not suited for production use. Feedback is welcome !
provides a plane mesh generation function rectangle_mesh
useful for classic cloth uses like flags or capes
My mesh falls immediately and infinitely when I add a Cloth component, how to fix it?
You probably didn't specify any pinned points, meaning there are no
vertices anchored to your entity's GlobalTransform
My cloth jitters a lot/ suddenly falls down/ has strange sudden behaviour
Gravity and winds are by default smoothed out by the framerate, if the
framerate drops suddenly gravity and wind get much stronger.
If your simulation suffers from this you can specify a custom smooth value
in ClothConfig::acceleration_smoothing
- World and per cloth simulation pause/ filter out cloth update
- Cloth update batching
- Cloth cutting maybe?
- Flag example
run cargo run --example flag
- Balloon example
run cargo run --example balloon
- Moving example
run cargo run --example moving
- Rapier Collision example
run cargo run --example rapier_collision --features rapier_collisions
- Anchors example
run cargo run --example anchors