1: Setting up the environment.
git clone arxiv_url
cd end2end_neural_el
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv end2end_neural_el_env
source end2end_neural_el_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the 'data' folder from this link, unzip it and place it under end2end_neural_el/ These data are enough for running the pretrained models and reproducing the results. For reproducing the results you can skip all the next steps and go directly to the gerbil evaluation section.
If you want to create new models with different preprocessing (or run the preprocessing steps described below) you should also download the pre-trained Word2Vec vectors GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz. Unzip it and place the bin file in the folder end2end_neural_el/data/basic_data/wordEmbeddings/Word2Vec.
If you also want to train your own entity vectors then follow the instructions from here. The 'basic_data' folder this time will be placed under end2end_neural_el/deep-ed/data/
2: Preprocessing stage 1.
Transform the AIDA, ACE2004, AQUAINT, MSNBC, CLUEWEB datasets to a common easy to use format. Only AIDA train is used by our system for training, and the AIDA-TESTA for hyperparameter tuning.
cd code
python -m preprocessing.prepro_aida
python -m preprocessing.prepro_other_datasets
3: Preprocessing stage 2 (converting datasets to tfrecords).
This step requires the entity vectors and the word-embeddings to exist. An essential part of our system are the entity vectors (the equivalent of word-embeddings for entities). You can create your entity vectors by following the instructions of the next chapter, otherwise you can use the provided pretrained ones. We have pretrained 502661 entity vectors. Specifically, we have trained entity vectors for all the candidate entities from all possible spans of AIDA-TestA, AIDA-TestB, AIDA-Training 1, ACE2004, AQUAINT, MSNBC, Clueweb, DBpediaSpotlight, Derczynski, ERD2014, GERDAQ-Dev, GERDAQ-Test, GERDAQ-TrainingA, GERDAQ-TrainingB, KORE50, Microposts2016-Dev, Microposts2016-Test, Microposts2016-Train, N3-RSS-500, N3-Reuters-128, OKE 2015 Task1, OKE 2016 Task1, and the entity relatedness dataset of (Ceccarelli et al., 2013). In more detail, this is done by considering all possible spans of the document as a candidate span and querying our p(e|m) dictionary for all the candidate entities for this span (we keep only the top 30 for each candidate span).
1 For AIDA-Training 10% of the candidate entities that are detected from the above method are missing from the current set of pretrained entities. So in case you want to evaluate the algorithm on AIDA-Training for EL this extra entities are needed.
We now encode the words and characters of the datasets to numbers, we find the candidate spans and for each one the candidate entities (using the p(e|m) dictionary) and encode these to numbers as well.
python -m preprocessing.prepro_util
4: Training the Neural Network.
Base Model + att + global for EL (according to the paper)
for v in 1 2 3
bsub -n 2 -W 24:00 -R "rusage[mem=10000,ngpus_excl_p=1]" python3 -m model.train \
--batch_size=4 --experiment_name=corefmerge \
--training_name=group_global/global_model_v$v \
--ent_vecs_regularization=l2dropout --evaluation_minutes=10 --nepoch_no_imprv=6 \
--span_emb="boundaries" \
--dim_char=50 --hidden_size_char=50 --hidden_size_lstm=150 \
--nn_components=pem_lstm_attention_global \
--fast_evaluation=True --all_spans_training=True \
--attention_ent_vecs_no_regularization=True --final_score_ffnn=0_0 \
--attention_R=10 --attention_K=100 \
--train_datasets=aida_train \
--el_datasets=aida_dev_z_aida_test_z_aida_train --el_val_datasets=0 \
--global_thr=0.001 --global_score_ffnn=0_0
Base Model for EL (according to the paper):
for v in 1 2 3
bsub -n 2 -W 24:00 -R "rusage[mem=10000,ngpus_excl_p=1]" python3 -m model.train \
--batch_size=4 --experiment_name=corefmerge \
--training_name=group_lstm/base_model_v$v \
--ent_vecs_regularization=l2dropout --evaluation_minutes=10 --nepoch_no_imprv=6 \
--span_emb="boundaries" \
--dim_char=50 --hidden_size_char=50 --hidden_size_lstm=150 \
--nn_components=pem_lstm \
--fast_evaluation=True --all_spans_training=True \
--final_score_ffnn=0_0 \
--train_datasets=aida_train \
--el_datasets=aida_dev_z_aida_test_z_aida_train --el_val_datasets=0
Base Model + att + global for ED (the only difference from the corresponding command for the EL model is the absence of the argument --all_spans_training=True which means that we train exactly the same architecture but now only with the gold mentions).
for v in 1 2 3
bsub -n 2 -W 24:00 -R "rusage[mem=10000,ngpus_excl_p=1]" python3 -m model.train \
--batch_size=4 --experiment_name=corefmerge \
--training_name=group_global/global_model_v$v \
--ent_vecs_regularization=l2dropout --evaluation_minutes=10 --nepoch_no_imprv=6 \
--span_emb="boundaries" \
--dim_char=50 --hidden_size_char=50 --hidden_size_lstm=150 \
--nn_components=pem_lstm_attention_global \
--fast_evaluation=True \
--attention_ent_vecs_no_regularization=True --final_score_ffnn=0_0 \
--attention_R=10 --attention_K=100 \
--train_datasets=aida_train \
--ed_datasets=aida_dev_z_aida_test_z_aida_train --ed_val_datasets=0 \
--global_thr=0.001 --global_score_ffnn=0_0
When running multiple experiments with multiple different hyperparameters we want an easy way to evaluate the different models. The following command goes through the log files of all the models and sorts them based on the performance on a selected dataset (here the AIDA-TestA).
cd evaluation; python summarize_all_experiments.py --macro_or_micro=micro --dev_set=aida_dev --test_set=aida_test
On one terminal run Gerbil. Execute:
cd gerbil/
Caution: Gerbil might be incompatible with some java versions. With Java 8 it works.
On another terminal execute:
cd end2end_neural_el/gerbil-SpotWrapNifWS4Test/
mvn clean -Dmaven.tomcat.port=1235 tomcat:run
On a third terminal execute:
cd end2end_neural_el/code
For EL:
python -m gerbil.server --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models \
--persons_coreference_merge=True --all_spans_training=True --entity_extension=extension_entities
For ED:
python -m gerbil.server --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models \
--persons_coreference_merge=True --ed_mode --entity_extension=extension_entities
By changing the training_name parameter you can try the different models (base_att_global, base_att, basemodel) and reproduce the results shown in the paper (tables 2, 7, and 8).
Open the url http://localhost:1234/gerbil
- Configure experiment
- In URI field write: http://localhost:1235/gerbil-spotWrapNifWS4Test/myalgorithm
- Name: whatever you wish
- Press add annotator button
- Select the datasets that you want to evaluate the model on
- Run experiment
For local evaluation and for printing the annotated datasets run the following command: (reproduces the results of the table 9 of the paper)
For EL:
python -m model.evaluate --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models --entity_extension=extension_entities --el_datasets=aida_dev_z_aida_test_z_aida_train_z_ace2004_z_aquaint_z_clueweb_z_msnbc_z_wikipedia --el_val_datasets=0 --ed_datasets="" --ed_val_datasets=0 --all_spans_training=True
For ED:
python -m model.evaluate --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models --entity_extension=extension_entities --ed_datasets=aida_dev_z_aida_test_z_aida_train_z_ace2004_z_aquaint_z_clueweb_z_msnbc_z_wikipedia --ed_val_datasets=0 --el_datasets="" --el_val_datasets=0
The local evaluation for EL is almost identical to gerbil scores but for ED it is higher. This should probably be attributed to some parsing errors and different preprocessing when input is from gerbil in comparison to local evaluation that is done on the official tokenized datasets.
If you want to try the system on custom input it can be done in multiple ways but the simplest is following: On one terminal run the command (similar to the Gerbil evaluation)
cd end2end_neural_el/code
For EL:
python -m gerbil.server --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models \
--persons_coreference_merge=True --all_spans_training=True --entity_extension=extension_entities
For ED:
python -m gerbil.server --training_name=base_att_global --experiment_name=paper_models \
--persons_coreference_merge=True --ed_mode --entity_extension=extension_entities
This launches a server that expects to receive json objects of the following format:
{ "text": "Obama will visit Germany and have a meeting with Merkel tomorrow.",
"spans": [{"start":0,"length":5}, {"start":17,"length":7}, {"start":49,"length":6}] }
For the EL task of course the "spans" field will be an empty array e.g.
{ "text": "Obama will visit Germany and have a meeting with Merkel tomorrow.", "spans": [] }
In another terminal you can submit your query in the following way: In python:
import requests, json
myjson = { "text": "Obama will visit Germany and have a meeting with Merkel tomorrow.", "spans": [{"start":0,"length":5}, {"start":17,"length":7}, {"start":49,"length":6}] }
myjson = { "text": "Obama will visit Germany and have a meeting with Merkel tomorrow.", "spans": [] }
requests.post("http://localhost:5555", json=myjson)
From the terminal directly with curl command:
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d "{ \"text\": \"Obama will visit Germany and have a meeting with Merkel tomorrow.\", \"spans\": [{\"start\":0,\"length\":5}, {\"start\":17,\"length\":7}, {\"start\":49,\"length\":6}] }" 'http://localhost:5555'
The server's terminal prints the result on the screen e.g.
[(17, 7, 'Germany'), (0, 5, 'Barack_Obama'), (49, 6, 'Angela_Merkel')]
The third value of the tuple is the wikipedia title. So to obtain a hyperlink add the prefix 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama
Other ways to evaluate your corpus is to publish your documents in the supported formats i.e. publish them a) in the same format as the files in the data/new_datasets folder b) in the same format as the AIDA dataset and then run the prepro_aida.py c) in the format of ace2004, aquaint, msnbc etc datasets (look folder data/basic_data/test_datasets/wned-datasets)
As it is already mentioned, we have created entity vectors for 366255 entities from many different popular datasets.
Creating a set with the wikipedia ids of all the candidate entities from all spans for the datasets: AIDA-TRAINING, AIDA_TEST-A, AIDA-TEST-B, ACE2004, AQUAINT, MSNBC
cd end2end_neural_el/
python -m preprocessing.prepro_util --create_entity_universe=True
Additional entities for gerbil evaluation: Now we create another set of entity vectors (for all the other gerbil datasets). The reason that we split it to two set of entities is so that during training we load only the one set in order to save memory and we load the second set only during evaluation on these datasets. Download Gerbil from https://github.com/dice-group/gerbil Find the datasets that you are interested in and place them in the appropriate locations so that gerbil can use them (follow gerbil instructions). On one terminal execute:
cd gerbil/
On another terminal execute:
cd end2end_neural_el/gerbil-SpotWrapNifWS4Test/
mvn clean -Dmaven.tomcat.port=1235 tomcat:run
On a third terminal execute:
cd end2end_neural_el/code
python -m gerbil.server --build_entity_universe=True
Open the url http://localhost:1234/gerbil
- Configure experiment
- In URI field write: http://localhost:1235/gerbil-spotWrapNifWS4Test/myalgorithm
- Name: whatever you wish
- Press add annotator button
- Select datasets that you wish to create entity vectors
- Run experiment
- Terminate with ctrl+C the third terminal (the one that runs the command: python -m gerbil.server) when all the datasets have been processed (you can see the results on the gerbil web-page) Here instead of replying we just process the text the gerbil sends to extract the candidate entities and we always return an empty response. So the scores will be zero.
Now create the entity vectors:
- Follow instructions from https://github.com/dalab/deep-ed
- the code of this project is under end2end_neural_el/deep-ed/ There are only some minor changes at the deep-ed-master/entities/relatedness/relatedness.lua to read our file of entities (the entities for whom we want to create the entity vectors). Replace lines 277-278 with 280-281 for the extension entities (i.e. the following instructions will be executed twice). Option 1: merge the normal set of entities with the extension entities and train them all together (this approach is easier and cleaner). Option 2: train the main set of entities and the extension entities separately. The advantages of the second approach is that in this way we can have a small set of entities (e.g. only from AIDA) for training thus saving gpu memory (so possibly increasing batch size) and using the extension entities together with the normal set only for the gerbil evaluation (where we process each document separately anyway i.e. batch size = 1 due to the way gerbil works). Also this functionality in terms of code it provides some flexibility since you can always change the extra entities and use the system to a different dataset.
After you follow the instructions from https://github.com/dalab/deep-ed do the following in order to get the entity vectors from the torch-lua framework to python-tensorflow
- pick the epoch that has the best scores and copy this file to our project
cp $EL_PATH/deep-ed/data/generated/ent_vecs/ent_vecs__ep_147.t7 $EL_PATH/data/entities/ent_vecs/
- converts the file to simple txt format
end2end_neural_el/code$ th preprocessing/bridge_code_lua/ent_vecs_to_txt.lua -ent_vecs_filepath /home/end2end_neural_el/data/entities/ent_vecs/ent_vecs__ep_147.t7
- and then to numpy array ready to be used from tensorflow
end2end_neural_el/code$ python -m preprocessing.bridge_code_lua.ent_vecs_from_txt_to_npy
Now the same for the extension entities (optional steps):
- Replace lines 277-278 with 280-281 in relatedness.lua file.
- Delete the t7 files, otherwise the changed relatedness.lua script will not be executed (in order to work on the extension entities this time)
rm end2end_neual_el/deep-ed/data/generated/*t7
- Repeat the steps of https://github.com/dalab/deep-ed starting from step 13 (no need to repeat the previous ones)
- After the training is finished execute the following commands (similar to before)
mkdir -p $EL_PATH/data/entities/extension_entities/ent_vecs/
cp $EL_PATH/deep-ed/data/generated/ent_vecs/ent_vecs__ep_54.t7 $EL_PATH/data/entities/extension_entities/ent_vecs/
end2end_neural_el/code$ th preprocessing/bridge_code_lua/ent_vecs_to_txt.lua -ent_vecs_filepath /home/end2end_neural_el/data/entities/extension_entities/ent_vecs/ent_vecs__ep_54.t7
end2end_neural_el/code$ python -m preprocessing.bridge_code_lua.ent_vecs_from_txt_to_npy --entity_extension=True