Joseph A. Szczesniak JosephScript
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- @JosephScript
Google-Messages-For-Desktop Public
Forked from kelyvin/Google-Messages-For-DesktopA "native-like" OS X, Windows, & Linux desktop app for Google Messages
UpdatedSep 12, 2022 -
fastify-permissions-policy Public
Fastify plugin for setting custom permissions policies.
react-query-ssr Public
This is a simple POC to illustrate a bug with react-query, ssr and the onSuccess function.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 31, 2022 -
logo.js Public
Forked from voodootikigod/logo.jsA community logo for JS
PostScript MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -
uppy Public
Forked from transloadit/uppyThe next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2020 -
react-contenteditable Public
Forked from lovasoa/react-contenteditableReact component for a div with editable contents
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 31, 2020 -
API-Node-Mongo-Passport Public
A simple Node.js API. Users are created and stored in a local database using Mongo, and they are authenticated using Passport and Passport-LocalAPIKey.
riot-autoresize Public
This Riot.js mixin will auto resize all textareas with the "autoresize" property.
styled-jsx-plugin-postcss Public archive
Forked from giuseppeg/styled-jsx-plugin-postcssPlugin to add PostCSS support to styled-jsx. Warning this is a Proof Of Concept plugin.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 16, 2018 -
styled-jsx Public archive
Forked from vercel/styled-jsxFull CSS support for JSX without compromises
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2018 -
API-Node-Mongo-Stormpath Public
A RESTful API using NodeJS, MongoDB and Express-Stormpath
riot-example-project Public
A Guide to Riot using Webpack for FE developers
my-retail Public
myRetail is a rapidly growing company with HQ in Richmond, VA and over 200 stores across the east coast. The company’s annual revenue last year was $5 billion and growing at the rate of 10% year ov…
HTML UpdatedMay 30, 2017 -
An example reverse proxy using isomorphic fetch.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 11, 2017 -
react-base-project Public
A base project for react, along with a guide to React for FE developers
laptop Public
This is a script for installation and updating my development OS X laptop.
Shell UpdatedFeb 28, 2016 -
An example application that uses SQL instead of Mongo in the typical MEAN stack. Node, Express, Angular and Postgres (using pg)
JavaScript UpdatedJan 22, 2016 -
angular-routing Public
Angular ngView/$http along with Express routing in Node.
mean-multer-ngf Public
A MEAN stack example of how to upload a file from a form in Angular JS using ngFileupload, and saving the file to a folder using Multer in Express/Node.
API-JSONWebToken-Auth-MEAN Public
A simple MEAN stack application, with authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
walking-skeleton Public
Demo of the walking skeleton. A bare bones MEAN stack application.
express-gen-example Public
This is an example project created using express-generator.