Tags: Josephtamhk/ALSReplicated
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Cesio137/ALSReplicated
Fixed some bugs and optimized network traffic #Replace Variable from "SetEssentialValues" by functions for not be ticked every time #Fixed conflict with Control Rotation(simulated proxy) causing jittering in dedicated server #Fixed desync animation when ragdoll end and Mantle Start #Optimized replication of control rotation #Optimized sync with "setmaxacceleration"
Fixed some bugs and optimized network traffic #Replace Variable from "SetEssentialValues" by functions for not be ticked every time #Fixed conflict with Control Rotation(simulated proxy) causing jittering in dedicated server #Fixed desync animation when ragdoll end and Mantle Start #Optimized replication of control rotation #Optimized sync with "setmaxacceleration"