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Deploys infrastructure for testing HashiCorp Boundary targets and self-managed workers with HCP Boundary.

What this Repo Does and When to Use it

This repo is designed to quickly create a self-managed worker in Azure, along with 3 different target types if you choose - SSH, RDP, and PostgreSQL Database, and register them in your HCP Boundary. Use it when you need to quickly test / demo these connections in Azure.


You need the following in order to use this repo:

  • An existing HCP Boundary cluster
  • An Organization and a Project inside of that organization
  • An Azure subscription with the ability to create VNETS, VMs, and PostgreSQL Flexible servers.

How to Use

1) Configure Boundary Provider Credentials

Configure the Boundary provider credentials as environment variables on your system or in your Terraform Cloud Workspace. Password auth is used in this example for easy testing.

provider "boundary" {
  addr                            = var.boundary_addr
  auth_method_id                  = var.boundary_auth_method_id
  password_auth_method_login_name = var.boundary_password_auth_method_login_name          
  password_auth_method_password   = var.boundary_password_auth_method_password       

2) Specify Which Targets to Create and Register to Boundary

The following variables can be defined to deploy different targets for testing:

Deploy SSH Target

The deploy_ssh_target variable is a bool variable. Setting to true creates an Azure Linux Ubuntu VM with SSH configured and registers it to the boundary_scope_project_id you define. You can initiate a connection via the Boundary desktop app and then use ssh -p<PORT#> to connect to the SSH target, or use the boundary connect ssh -target-id tssh_Bnj6y7sVG5 command.

This will create:

  • A Linux VM that is put into a seperate subnet from the worker and allows traffic from boundary_ingress_cidr_allow on port 22 as a break glass solution, but only allows port 22 from the Boundary worker public IP for Boundary connections.
  • Boundary credentials and targets

Deploy RDP Target

The deploy_rdp_target variable is a bool variable. Setting to true creates a Windows VM with RDP configured and registers it to the boundary_scope_project_id you define. You can then initiate a sessions via the Boundary desktop app and use your RDP software of choice to connect, or run boundary connect rdp -target-id ttcp_QqwiESZwHj and if you have an RDP program installed, boundary will automatically launch that.

This will create:

  • A Windows Server VM that is put into a seperate subnet from the worker and allows traffic from boundary_ingress_cidr_allow on port 22 as a break glass solution, but only allows port 3389 from the Boundary worker public IP for Boundary connections.
  • Boundary credentials and targets

Deploy Database Target

The deploy_database_target variable is a bool variable. Setting to true creates a PostgreSQL Flexible server in Azure (not a VM). You will see an output azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database_name = "database-name" when the apply finishes. You will then be able to run boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_oEwOMuMpfg -dbname database-name to connect to the database.

This will create:

  • A PostgreSQL Flexible Server that is put into a seperate subnet from the worker and allows traffic on port 5432 from the Boundary worker public IP for Boundary connections.
  • Boundary credentials and targets

3) Create Self-Managed Worker for HCP Boundary

Set deploy_self_managed_worker = true if you want this code to deploy a self-managed worker for connection to HCP Boundary and the infrastructure to support it. It is true by default. If set to true, the following will be created:

  • A seperate subnet for the worker
  • A Network Security Group allowing traffic from anywhere on 9202 and SSH from boundary_ingress_cidr_allow on port 22 to the worker. 9202 is the default port for connecting the worker to the HCP Boundary Control Plane. 22 is enabled to allow you to SSH in an retrieve the worker auth request token.
  • A linux Ubuntu VM that installs the Boundary worker binary and configures it.

4) Terraform Apply

Once you have configured all of the inputs, do an apply and wait for resources to come up.

5) Connect the Worker to HCP Boundary

You must then SSH into the worker VM and retreive the auth_request_token.

ssh -i boundary.pem [email protected]
sudo cat /opt/boundary/azure-worker/auth_request_token

Then go back to your HCP Boundary and add the worker.

6) Test the Target Connections


You can initiate a connection via the Boundary desktop app and then use ssh -p<PORT#> to connect to the SSH target, or use the boundary connect ssh -target-id tssh_Bnj6y7sVG5 command.


You can then initiate a sessions via the Boundary desktop app and use your RDP software of choice to connect, or run boundary connect rdp -target-id ttcp_QqwiESZwHj and if you have an RDP program installed, boundary will automatically launch that.


You will see an output azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database_name = "database-name" when the apply finishes. You will then be able to run boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_oEwOMuMpfg -dbname database-name to connect to the database.


Name Version
azurerm 3.58.0
boundary 1.1.7


Name Version
azurerm 3.58.0
boundary 1.1.7


Name Type
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.boundary-servers resource
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.boundary_worker resource
azurerm_nat_gateway.nat_gateway resource
azurerm_network_interface.boundary-nic resource
azurerm_network_interface.boundary_worker_nic resource
azurerm_network_interface.rdp_boundary_nic resource
azurerm_network_security_group.boundary-nsg resource
azurerm_network_security_group.boundary_worker_nsg resource
azurerm_network_security_group.database_nsg resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.boundary_ssh resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.boundary_ssh_outofband resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.boundary_worker_ssh resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.boundary_worker_tcp_listen resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.postgresql resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.rdp resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.boundary resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database.boundary resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.postgres resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.postgres resource
azurerm_public_ip.public_ip resource
azurerm_public_ip.rdp_public_ip resource
azurerm_public_ip.worker_public_ip resource
azurerm_resource_group.boundary-rg resource
azurerm_route_table.route_table resource
azurerm_subnet.boundary-subnet resource
azurerm_subnet.boundary_worker_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet.database_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.subnet_nsg_association1 resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.subnet_nsg_association_db resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.subnet_nsg_association_worker resource
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association.subnet_rt_association1 resource
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association.subnet_rt_association_worker resource
azurerm_virtual_network.boundary-vnet resource
azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.rdp_boundary_servers resource
boundary_credential_ssh_private_key.ssh-linux-vm resource
boundary_credential_store_static.database resource
boundary_credential_store_static.rdp resource
boundary_credential_store_static.ssh-keys resource
boundary_credential_username_password.database resource
boundary_credential_username_password.rdp resource
boundary_host_catalog_static.database-targets resource
boundary_host_catalog_static.rdp-targets resource
boundary_host_catalog_static.ssh-targets resource
boundary_host_set_static.database resource
boundary_host_set_static.rdp resource
boundary_host_set_static.ssh resource
boundary_host_static.database resource
boundary_host_static.rdp resource
boundary_host_static.ssh resource
boundary_target.database resource
boundary_target.rdp resource
boundary_target.ssh resource


Name Description Type Default Required
boundary_addr The Boundary address to authenticate against. string n/a yes
boundary_auth_method_id The Boundary auth method ID. string n/a yes
boundary_ingress_cidr_allow List of CIDRs allowed inbound to boundary related servers via SSH (port 22) on vnet. list(string) [] no
boundary_password_auth_method_login_name The Boundary password auth method username. string n/a yes
boundary_password_auth_method_password The Boundary password auth method password. string n/a yes
boundary_rg The Boundary resource group name. string "boundary-rg" no
boundary_rg_location The location of the Boundary resource group. string "East US" no
boundary_scope_project_id The project scope ID to create a static host catalog inside of for SSH targets. string n/a yes
boundary_subnet_cidr CIDR block for boundary subnet1. string "" no
boundary_worker_subnet_cidr CIDR block for boundary worker subnet. string "" no
boundary_worker_version The boundary-worker version to download to the self-managed-worker. string "0.12.3+hcp-1" no
common_tags Map of common tags for taggable Azure resources. map(string) {} no
create_nat_gateway Boolean to create a NAT Gateway. Useful when Azure Load Balancer is internal but VM(s) require outbound Internet access. bool false no
database_subnet_cidr True or False. Deploy an Azure PostgreSQL Flexible server. string "" no
database_target_password The password of the database_target_username user that will be created. string "B0uNdairyP@ss" no
database_target_username The username of the PostgreSQL user that will be created. string "boundaryadmin" no
deploy_database_target True or False. Deploy an Azure PostgreSQL Flexible server. bool n/a yes
deploy_rdp_target True or False. Deploy an RDP Azure Windows VM. bool n/a yes
deploy_self_managed_worker True of False. Deploy a self-managed Boundary worker. bool true no
deploy_ssh_target True or False. Deploy an SSH target Azure Linux VM. bool n/a yes
friendly_name_prefix A prefix appended to the name of azure resources. string n/a yes
hcp_boundary_cluster_id The HCP cluster ID to connect to. string n/a yes
rdp_target_password The password of the rdp_target_username user that will be created on the VM. Will also be used to RDP. string "B0uNdairyP@ss" no
rdp_target_username The username of the admin user that will be created on the VM. Will also be used to RDP. string "boundaryadmin" no
sa_ingress_cidr_allow List of CIDRs allowed to interact with Azure Blob Storage Account. list(string) [] no
ssh_private_key The name of the ssh private key that will be uploaded to boundary credential store. Must be placed relative to the working directory. string n/a yes
ssh_public_key The name of the ssh public key that will be put on the SSH targett VMs. Must be placed relative to the working directory. string n/a yes
ssh_target_username The username of the admin user that will be created on the VM. Will also be set to the SSH username. string "boundaryadmin" no
vnet_cidr CIDR block address space for VNet. list(string)


Name Description
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database_name Name of Azurerm PostgreSQL Flexible database to connect to.
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_fqdn FQDN of Azurerm PostgreSQL Flexible server.
rdp_target_private_ip_addr n/a
rdp_target_public_ip_addr n/a
ssh_target_private_ip_addr n/a
ssh_target_public_ip_addr n/a
worker_private_ip_addr n/a
worker_public_ip_addr n/a


Deploys infrastructure for testing HashiCorp Boundary







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