(Relatively) Easy Unit Testing for C
- Copy subdirectory
into your project. - Add some rules to your makefile. See Makefile for an example.
- Write some tests. See msg-test.c for an example. Test functions are those whose names begin with "cttest". The test runner forks before each test, so global state from one test will not affect another.
- Run
make check
##Setup and Teardown
Optionally, you can define a function named "ctsetup" in your test file. It will run before each of the tests in that file. This function should expect no arguments and return void. Each test file has the option to define its own setup function.
You can also define a function named "ctteardown"; it is the same as ctsetup, except ctteardown runs after each test in the same file.
Running make check
in the example supplied looks like this:
make check
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o my-nettest.o my-nettest.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o sample-nettest.o sample-nettest.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/udp_protocol.o ct/udp_protocol.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o msg-test.o msg-test.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/_net_sample-net-test.o ct/_net_sample-net-test.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/_net_my-net-test.o ct/_net_my-net-test.c
ct/gen msg-test.o ct/_net_sample-net-test.o ct/_net_my-net-test.o > ct/_ctcheck.c.part
mv ct/_ctcheck.c.part ct/_ctcheck.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/_ctcheck.o ct/_ctcheck.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/ct.o ct/ct.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o ct/netTestRunner.o ct/netTestRunner.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -c -o msg.o msg.c
cc ct/_ctcheck.o ct/ct.o ct/netTestRunner.o msg.o msg-test.o ct/_net_sample-net-test.o ct/_net_my-net-test.o my-nettest.o sample-nettest.o ct/udp_protocol.o -o ct/_ctcheck
cttestexit_msg_test_o: error (exit status 2)
cttestfailure_msg_test_o: failure
msg-test.c:39: test: 1 == 2
cttestfmt_msg_test_o: failure
msg-test.c:46: test: n == 2
msg-test.c:46: n is 1
cttestsegfault_msg_test_o: error (signal 11)
cttestnetsample_nettest_c_net_sample_net_test_o: error (exit status 6)
from-socket: 9
to-socket: 10
sample-nettest.c:19: test: 0
from-socket: 10
to-socket: 9
cttestnetmy_nettest_c_net_my_net_test_o: error (exit status 11)
from-socket: 11
to-socket: 10
from-socket: 12
to-socket: 10
2 failures; 4 errors.
make: *** [check] Error 1
There is a framework to run cttests over a network. This framework sets up a connection between two sockets on the computer.
- See sample-nettest.c for an example.
- Make sure to #include "ct/ct.h" and the appropriate ?_protocol.h file
- Use a #define to define a connection between functions. For example, #define NETTESTA "nettestb" makes a connection from nettesta to nettestb
- Functions beginning with "nettest" are network tests. These functions should return an int and take two struct ctnode * as arguments.
- Run
make check
as you would for regular cttests
A UDP protocol is provided to work with nettests. This protocol is defined in udp_protcol.*. There is also the option to define your own protocol. A template for defining protocols can be found in my_protocol.*
There will be no releases of this tool. Just clone the latest source from git and copy it into your project. If you want to update, copy the newer source into your project.
Inspired by CUT 2.1 by Sam Falvo and Billy Tanksley. Also with ideas from the Go testing package and gotest.