Feel Free to use this repo as an template code 😀
There's Lecture note for all codes, all packages (Written in Korean)
Repo Structure
├── cpp_first_pkg
├── cpp_topic_pkg
├── cpp_service_pkg
├── cpp_action_pkg
├── py_first_pkg
├── py_topic_pkg
├── py_service_pkg
├── py_action_pkg
├── custom_interfaces
├── gcamp_gazebo
└── image
: Gazeobo Package with Worlds and Robot.cpp_<sth>_pkg
: C++ ROS 2 packages for each ROS Communication Mechanismspy_<sth>_pkg
: Python ROS 2 packages for each ROS Communication Mechanismscustom_interfaces
: Package for custom ROS 2 communication interfaces
- Available nodes and Execution commands
ros2 run py_topic_pkg cmd_vel_pub_node
ros2 run py_topic_pkg laser_raw_node
ros2 run py_topic_pkg laser_sub_node
ros2 run py_topic_pkg parking_node
Use ROS 2 topic to park the robot correctly in the simulation.
- LaserScan data Subscribe
- Twist publish
- Available nodes and Execution commands
ros2 run py_service_pkg gazebo_model_spawner
ros2 run py_service_pkg robot_turning_server
ros2 service call /turn_robot custom_interfaces/srv/TurningControl "{time_duration: 5, angular_vel_z: 1.0, linear_vel_x: 0.5}"
ros2 service call /delete_entity gazebo_msgs/srv/DeleteEntity "{name: 'skidbot'}"
ros2 run py_service_pkg robot_turning_client
Use ROS 2 service to bring a robot into the simulation.
- ROS Gazebo Service
- Service Client
- Available nodes and Execution commands
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_server
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_client
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_server_cancel
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_client_cancel
ros2 action send_goal fibonacci custom_interfaces/action/Fibonacci "{order: 5}"
ros2 action send_goal --feedback fibonacci custom_interfaces/action/Fibonacci "{order: 5}"
ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args --remap /image:=/diffbot/camera_sensor/image_raw
ros2 run py_action_pkg img_subscriber_node
ros2 run py_action_pkg odom_sub_node
ros2 run py_action_pkg robot_controller
ros2 run py_action_pkg maze_action_server
ros2 run py_action_pkg maze_action_client
ros2 action send_goal --feedback maze_action custom_interfaces/action/Maze "{turning_sequence: [2,1,0,1,2]}"
Use ROS 2 action to get the robot out of the maze.
- Action Client & Server
- ROS 2 odometry
- OpenCV
- Make skid_drive robot and differential_drive robot with URDF, and make them moving in Gazebo Environment.
- Check difference btw them
- Upload Youtube lectures
- Package Development : kimsooyoung
- Error Review & Contribution : YoonSeok Pyo