Tags: JpNeme/ros_kortex
Merge pull request Kinovarobotics#303 from Kinovarobotics/prepare-rel… …ease-2.5.2 update API with KortexAPI2.6.0 for release 2.5.2
Merge release 2.3 to kinetic-devel (Kinovarobotics#154) * Update driver for release 2.3 * Update examples for release 2.3 * Update MoveIt config files for release 2.3 * Update readme
Push 2.2 changes to kinetic-devel (Kinovarobotics#81) * Add auto generated files for release 2.2 * Add description and moveit configs for release 2.2 * Modified the examples and gazebo packages for release 2.2 * Modified kortex driver for release 2.2 * Modified documentation for release 2.2 * Add dof and vision documentation for kortex_driver * Remove Protobuf install instructions because it's not useful for a user anymore * Added an option in the kortex driver launch file to set the soft limits to hard and use the corresponding MoveIt config joint limits file. * Added a warning in the kortex driver documentation for hard limits usage
New content for release 2.0.0 * Removed the folders that disappeared in 2.0 * Updated the main readme and gitignore * Modified kortex_api folder - Artifactory path for API still to add * Added kortex_control package and updated the kortex_description package for release 2.0 * Updated the kortex_driver folder for release 2.0 * Updated the kortex_examples folder for release 2.0 * Added the Gazebo, MoveIt and third party packages * Removed the kortex_tests package for now * Update more links