This is a rails v4.0.2 app and can be used as a kickoff platform for your own app. The salient features are:
- Omniauth integration with sign-in options via Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
- Bootstrap-3 for UI.
- I18n setup for Multi-lingual functionality.
- HAML used as templating engine.
bundle db:migrate
This will install the gems specified in Gemfile and create the Users table in the database (the database is specified as "rails4_kickoff" change the config/database.yml to set your configuration)
You have to setup 3 apps: Facebook, Twitter and Google+
In config/initializers/omniauth.rb you have to paste the app keys/ids and secrets of those apps
provider :twitter, ENV['TWITTER_KEY'], ENV['TWITTER_SECRET'] provider :google_oauth2, ENV['GOOGLE_KEY'], ENV['GOOGLE_SECRET'] provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET']
Or you can leave the file as it is and export the values from command line, for example:
export TWITTER_KEY=xxxxxx
For twitter there is logic to redirect the user to step to complete information that twitter does not provides with omniauth such as email.
The app has an initial setup of I18n for English and Spanish
Use this code as you want! ENJOY!!