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composer require juhlinus/depictr
You can publish the config by running the artisan vendor:publish
command like so:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Depictr\ServiceProvider"
The following crawlers are defined out of the box:
return [
'crawlers' => [
| Search engines
| These are the list of all the regular search engines that crawl your
| website on a regular basis and is the crucial if you want good
| SEO.
'googlebot', // Google
'duckduckbot', // DuckDuckGo
'bingbot', // Bing
'yahoo', // Yahoo
'yandexbot', // Yandex
| Social networks
| Allowing social networks to crawl your website will help the social
| networks to create "social-cards" which is what people see when
| they link to your website on the social network websites.
'facebookexternalhit', // Facebook
'twitterbot', // Twitter
'whatsapp', // WhatsApp
'linkedinbot', // LinkedIn
'slackbot', // Slack
| Other
| For posterity's sake you want to make sure that your website can be
| crawled by Alexa. This will archive your website so that future
| generations may gaze upon your craftsmanship.
'ia_archiver', // Alexa
Depictr comes with the option of excluding an array of urls that shouldn't be processed.
This is useful for plain text files like sitemap.txt
, where Panther will wrap it in a stripped down HTML file. Use of wildcard is permitted.
Per default the admin
route and its sub-routes are excluded in the config file.
You can specify which environments Depictr should run on. Default is testing
and production