Welcome to DaliBot! This is a Telegram bot powered by OpenAI's lastest GPT model. This bot facilitates dynamic and human-like conversation right within Telegram.
To set up DaliBot, you will need a few things:
- A Telegram token
- An OpenAI token
- Python 3
To get a Telegram token, you will need to create a new bot in Telegram. This can be done by following this guide.
You can request an OpenAI token from the OpenAI website.
To check if you have Python 3 installed, run the following command in your terminal:
python3 --version
If Python 3 is installed, this command will output the version number. The recommended version is 3.10 or newer. If it's not installed, please install it from the official website.
Once you have both the Telegram and OpenAI tokens, you need to set them as environment variables. Here's how you can do it:
Create a file under project root called .env and add your tokens there like:
First, ensure you're in the correct folder directory. Then, execute the following command to install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Depends on your local machine, it could be pip instead of pip3.
Execute the following command:
python3 source/main.py [--use-local]
Depends on your local machine, it could be python instead of python3. Your DaliBot should now be up and running!
Make sure your bot runs locally before deploying it.
If everything looks fine when you run the app locally, you may consider deploying it so that the Bot can be accessed 24/7.
Heroku is used to deploy the app but other cloud providers like AWS should work out of the box. Go to www.heroku.com and follow the instructions there. Eventually, you add your heroku domain as an environment variable like this:
See Deploy your Code
You can debug the app in vscode if anything goes wrong. The debug configuration is in .vscode/launch.json and is ready for use.
For more details on the APIs used in this project, please refer to the following resources: