Official repo for the "Reducing Bias in Modeling Real-world Password Strength via Deep Learning and Dynamic Dictionaries" by Dario Pasquini, Marco Cianfriglia, Giuseppe Ateniese and Massimo Bernaschi presented at USENIX Security 2021
Disclaimer: This code is aimed at reproducing the results reported in our paper as well as support security analysis in the academic context. We are working on a complete re-implementation of the software that will be applicable in actual password recovery applications. Stay tuned 🎶.
All the code needed to run the ADaMs Attack is contained in AdamAttack directory. To be able to run the attack, the following prerequisites must been satisfied:
- gcc/g++
- Python 3.x
- TensorFlow 2.x
- Matplotlib
- CUDA (if TensorFlow-GPU)
- CppFlow
We tested the code only on ubuntu >= 18.x.
To compile the binary:
- Download Tensorflow C API and decompress it.
- Clone CppFlow:
git clone
- Modify the AdamAttack/Makefile and set the two variables:
- TENSOFLOW_HOME = {path to Tensorflow C API}
- CPPFLOW_HOME = {path to CppFlow}
Add the path to the TensorFlow's libraries to: LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{path to Tensorflow C API}
cd AdamAttack; make
This produces a directory bin containing a binary file AdamAttack that you can run to launch the attack.
The binary accepts the following input parameters:
- -r an hashcat rules-set e.g., generated.rule.
- -w the dictionary/worlist for the attack
- --hashes-file the file containing the attacked set of password. Referred as X in the paper. (
⚠️ It must contain plaintext passwords, no password hashes) - -a the attack mode. Accepted values are 0=standard, 9=adams. The default value is adams.
- --max-guesses-pow the exponent of the power of 10 that defines the maximum number of guesses.
- --config-dir the path of the directory containing the trained model, the rules file and the budget file. It works only with adam attack-mode.
- --model-path the pathname of the trained-model. It works only with adam attack-mode.
- --budget the attack budget. It works only with adam attack-mode.
For instance:
cd AdamAttack/
./bin/AdamAttack -a 9 -w WORDLIST.txt --config-dir MODELs/PasswordPro_BIG/ --hashes RockYou.txt
Pre-trained models in Keras format, along with rules files and default parameters, are available:
- PasswordPro_SMALL 44MB based on InsidePro-PasswordsPro.rule (150.000.000 c/sec)
- generated_SMALL 130MB based on generated.rule (560.000.000 c/sec)
"c/sec" stands for compatibility scores per second on a NVIDIA V100.
Each pre-trained model comes with its rule-set and the best hyper-parameters we found in our analysis. You can load the pre-trained model/rules-set/hyper-parameters by using the flag: --config-dir followed by the downloaded directory.
Inside the directory ./AdamAttack/Test you can run a scripted test and check if it is everything working. Here, some instructions:
- (After the code for the attack has been compiled)
- cd into /AdamAttack/Test
- add execution permission to the scripts: chmod u+x
- download the model, dictionary (phpBB) and attacked set (RockYou) by running: ./
- Then, lunch the attack by running: ./ It will take some time.
At the end of the process, a file called adams_vs_standard_test.png should appear in ./AdamAttack/Test. The plot reported in the image should be something like this:
In order to train your model, you have to create a training set and a validation set first.
The directory MakeTrainingset contains the necessary code to produce the training sets.
The code can be compile using the makefile into the directory e.g.,:
cd MakeTrainingset; make
This produces a directory bin containing a binary file makeTrainSet that you will run to produce your training set.
The binary takes as input different mandatory parameters:
- the dictionary used to create the training set. Referred as W in the paper.
- an hashcat rules-set e.g., generated.rule.
- the attacked set of passwords used to create the training set. Called
$X_{A}$ in the paper. - output directory, where to write the training set files.
- the number of threads e.g., 32
For instance:
./bin/makeTrainSet WORDLIST.txt RULES.rule ATTACKED_SET.txt OUTPUTDIR 32
After you have created one training set and at least one validation set (used as early-stopping criteria) with makeTrainSet, you have to craft a configuration file for the training process.
A template for such a configuration file is NeuralNet/CONFs/BIG_bn2.gin. This contains all the hyper parameters and information needed to train a new model.
setup.train_home = "./trainset/"
setup.test_homes = [ "./validation1/", "./validation2/"]
Once created a suitable configuration file, you can start the training using in ./NeuralNet/. This takes as input the path to the configuration file e.g.,:
python CONFs/my_BIG_bn2.gin
The script saves checkpoints and logs for the training process in NeuralNet/MODELs/CHECKPOINTS. These can be visualized using tensorboard. At the end of the training, the script saves the keras model in NeuralNet/MODELs/SAVED_MODELS.
This is the official repository of the paper "Reducing Bias in Modeling Real-world Password Strength via Deep Learning and Dynamic Dictionaries" presented at USENIX Security 2021. If you use this tool for your research activity, please cite our paper
@inproceedings {272236,
author = {Dario Pasquini and Marco Cianfriglia and Giuseppe Ateniese and Massimo Bernaschi},
title = {Reducing Bias in Modeling Real-world Password Strength via Deep Learning and Dynamic Dictionaries},
booktitle = {30th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 21)},
year = {2021},
isbn = {978-1-939133-24-3},
pages = {821--838},
url = {},
publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
month = aug,
Our software is built on top of hashcat-legacy.