A Hubot script that evaluates JS or CoffeeScript from chat messages.
- Add
to your Hubot'spackage.json
- Add
to your Hubot'sexternal-scripts.json
- Run
npm install
hubot javascript me "foo" + " bar" > "foo bar"
hubot js me (function() { return 1 + 2; })() > 3
hubot coffeescript me 76 * 21 > 1596
hubot coffee me (do () -> if on then 1 else 2) > 1
- GitHub: https://github.com/JustinMorgan/hubot-parsebot
- NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hubot-parsebot
- Author: Justin Morgan (https://github.com/JustinMorgan)
- License: ParseBot is licensed under the MIT license.