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The "Drought Early Warning System's DataHub" (DEWS-DH) is a satellite datahub which is used to show and store satellite image data. Metrics like the NDVI or SMI are calculated on demand. The images are imported into a PostGIS database were they can be requested by third-party software for further processing.

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DEWS's DataHub (Drought Early Warning System's DataHub)

Table of contents


DEWS's DataHub was made to import satellite data images from archives downloaded from e.g. Copernicus Browser. It is also possible to use the Sentinel Hub API to request satellite data images. The main goal is to have an overview over your satellite data as well as a PostGIS database to connect with other software.

The satellite mission, product type, thumbnail, etc. will be automatically recognized and displayed in a new entry in the SatData overview tab. When the archive contains satellite images that are raster compatible they will be converted into rasters and imported into the PostGIS database (located at


Satellite data details


  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS (realized with Django Template Language)
  • Backend: Python + Django Framework
  • Database: PostGIS
  • Webserver: Gunicorn + Nginx


This guide shows how to start the Docker containers locally, how to use the web app, gives information about the PostGIS database, how to use with QGIS and which satellite datasets are supported.

Create .env file

The .env file contains environment variables for the Python Django and the PostGIS environment.
Copy the env file using cp .env.example .env.

The .env.example file is used as a template. For development purposes you do not need to modify .env's content.


For production it is not recommended to leave the .env file unmodified!
Please create a Django secret key using this script

from import get_random_secret_key  

or instead use this website.

The .env should look like the following code snippet. Please read the file carefully as the comments speak for themselves!

The Sentinel Hub API key can be created at Sentinel Hub Dashboard - Account Settings. Here you should create a new "OAuth client".

SECRET_KEY="secret_key_123"  # TODO: Modify on production!
DEBUG=False  # TODO: Modify! (True: development, False: production)

# Create super user
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME="dews"  # Forbidden: Do not modify!
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD="dews"  # TODO: Modify on production!
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL="[email protected]"  # Optional: Modify if needed

# Postgres
PGPASSWORD="dews"  # Optional: Modify if needed

# Sentinel API key
SENTINEL_HUB_API_KEY="key"  # TODO: Modify on production + development!

Start Docker container

  1. Install Docker using the official installation guide.
  2. Install Docker Compose using the official installation guide.
  3. OPTIONAL: Install Docker BuildX.
    • Linux: apt install docker-buildx
    • MacOS: brew install docker-buildx
    • Other OS: Docker BuildX installation guide.
    • INFO: If you experience any issues while building the Docker containers please see this step as necessary!
  4. Start a terminal.
  5. Change directory to the root of the project (e.g. cd ~/Git/drought-ews).
  6. Build the containers:
    • docker-compose up -d --build
    • INFO: In case something went wrong please run sudo rm -rf pgdata/ and try docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate.
  7. If you already build the Docker containers just start them using this command:
    • docker-compose up -d

Monitor system activities

In the root of the repository a log file name django.log mirrors the system's log file in the Docker container. In case of an error or misbehaving you can investiage the problem using the log file.

If you want the contributors to take a look then you should make a copy of the file, create a GitHub issue, attach the django.log file and describe your problem in detail.

Create satellite data entries

Manual approach: Dataspace Copernicus

  1. Open Copernicus Browser.
  2. Log into your account.
  3. Zoom to the area of your interest.
  4. Selec the pentagon on the right side and then the rectangle or the pencil.
  5. Draw an area around the area of your interest.
  6. Select the tab Search on the left side panel.
  7. Select the satellite mission and the product type of your desire.
    • e.g Sentinel-2 -> MSI -> L2A
  8. It is recommended to recude the cloud coverage to maximum 10%.
  9. Choose the time range of your desire.
    • e.g. 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-08
  10. Click on search.
  11. Hover over an entry and a green area is shown on the map which the hovered dataset will represent.
  12. Select the entry of your desire and download it using the download button in the bottom right corner of the entry.

Import via webpage

The archive you downloaded from the Datspae Copernicus can be imported manually via the webpage:

  1. Open the "DEWS DataHub - Dashboard".
  2. Login with the default credentials dews:dews.
  3. Visit the "DEWS DataHub - Create SatData Entry" view or click on the "Add Entry" button at "DEWS DataHub - Data Overview" view.
  4. Click on "Choose File" and choose the satellite data ZIP archive you want to upload.
  5. Click on "Upload Archive" and wait.

After the import is finished an entry will be displayed in the "DEWS DataHub - Data Overview" view. If raster compatible images exist in the archive the processing can take quite a bit of time.
Please be patient! The process cannot be sped up since the official PostGIS script raster2pgsql is used which is already optimized for this kind of imports.

Alternative approach: Import using Docker

An alternative to the manual approach is to upload your archive into the Docker container and then import it using a custom Django admin command:

  1. Copy your local archive into the DEWS container's filesystem:
    • docker cp <archive_path> dews:/dews/media/sat_data/archive/
    • Example: docker cp dews:/dews/media/sat_data/archive/
  2. Import your data into the database.
    1. Log into the DEWS container.
      • docker exec -it dews /bin/bash
    2. Import your archive using the Django admin command importdata.
      • python importdata <archive_path> -m <sat_mission>
      • Example: python importdata /dews/media/sat_data/archive/ -m sentinel-1a

Automatic approach: Sentinel Hub API

This is the easiest and fastest way to create new satellite date entries on the system. The Sentinel Hub API key in the .env file must be correctly set! Follow the instructions to request and import satellite data images via the API:

  1. Open the "DEWS DataHub - Create SatData Entry" view.
  2. Scroll down to "Request via API".
  3. Select the desired mission.
  4. Select the desired resolution.
    1. INFO: The shown bands depend on the resolution selected. Not all resolutions support all bands.
  5. OPTIONAL: Select the metrics to calculate.
  6. Select the desired bands.
    1. Not needed if metrics were already selected because the selection is linked between the metrics and the bands.
    2. Example: If you click on "NDVI" the bands "B04" and "B08" are automatically selected.
      Metrics and Bands
    3. If a metric is selected and you need more bands, you still can add more bands by clicking the check boxes.
    4. A metric can not be calculated if you uncheck a automatically checked check box.
  7. Choose the time range of your desire.
    • For example: 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-08
    • If you need data for one day only the start and the date date should match (e.g. 2024-04-01 - 2024-04-01).
  8. Select a bounding box on the map.
    1. Click on the rectangle below the plus and minus buttons.
    2. Select a bounding box which is smaller than 2500px * 2500px. This restriction is made by the Sentinel Hub API.
      1. If your bounding box is too big, the system will tell you.
      2. Then click on the "Edit" icon and rearrange your bounding box or click the "Trash" icon and delete the bounding box.
    3. Example:
      Bounding Box Selection
  9. Submit the form.

DataHub Web App


In the "DEWS DataHub - Create SatData Entry" view you can upload official satellite dataset archives that were downloaded from the Copernicus Browser.

After you have downloaded a satellite dataset and upload the ZIP archive or after you have requested satellite data images via the API, the system will process the received data.

So far the system shows the following data:

  • Satellite mission
  • Product type
  • Product start time
  • Product stop time
  • Archive path in filesystem (if available)
    • e.g. /dews/media/sat_data/archive/<archive>
  • Extracted archive path
    • e.g. /dews/media/sat_data/extracted/<mission>/<archive_name>
  • Metadata files (if available)
    •, MTD_*.xml, INSPIRE.xml and/or xfdumanifest.xml (if available)
  • Thumbnail image (if available)
  • Band table names in PostGIS database
    • e.g. 3ed72523-fa4c-447b-b5db-19020d17a7ce_b02_r10m
  • Calculated metrics
    • e.g. NDVI, SMI, ...

Metrics calculation

Before the Copernicus Browser had the feature to directly download the True Color, NDVI, SMI, SWIR, etc. layers by selecting a bounding box (see this Copernicus Browser example), the development of the "DEWS DataHub" begun. During the development Copernicus Browser released its feature and put the metrics calculation of the DEWS-DH a little in the shade.

Still the calculation of several metrics is one of the main benefits of the server-side orientation DEWS-DH.

For example to calculate the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), which measures the difference between near-infrared and red light to quantify vegetation health, the band 4 (red) and band 8 (near-infrared) are required.

The .tiff or .jp2 files are loaded as datasets using the Python library rasterio. After that the mathematical equation ( N I R R e d ) ( N I R R e d ) / is applied and the result is turned into a plot image (see Code: dews/sat_data/services/ This procedure is applied for all indices that can be calculated.

Example of NDVI image:

Since the Sentinel Hub API does not return a RGB image, it must be calculated by the system. In the context of the DEWS-DH RGB is considered as an index, too.

Example of RGB image:

In the future development the result should be saved as .tiff or .jp2 file.

Satellite data aggregation

Satellite data entries with the same coordinates will be collected and saved to a TimeTravel object which you can find at the "DEWS DataHub - Overview" view's TimeTravel tab.

In a TimeTravel entry you can see the observed area with details about the related SatData entries. The TimeTravel object is linked to the SatData object and vice versa. It is a One-To-Many relationship, so the TimeTravel entry can have multiple SatData entries.


PostGIS database

  • Location:
  • Imported archive's images will be imported as a raster in an own table.
    • The name consists of the sat data id, the band (e.g. B04 which stands for the red band) and the range (meters per pixel), if available.
    • Table name convention: <sat_data_id>_<band> / <sat_data_id>_<band>_<range>
    • Example table name: 3ed72523-fa4c-447b-b5db-19020d17a7ce_b02_r10m


Import bands/raster from DEWS-DH into QGIS

  1. Visit the "DEWS DataHub - Dashboard" view.
  2. Select a satellite data entry whose bands/raster you want to import into QGIS.
  3. Scroll down to the section Band Tables.
  4. Copy the table name containing the raster you want to import.
    • e.g. 3ed72523-fa4c-447b-b5db-19020d17a7ce_b02_r10m
  5. Open QGIS.
  6. Select Layer > Add Layer > Add Raster Layer.
  7. Select PostgreSQL on the left side panel.
  8. Add the PostGIS database.
    • Database: dews
    • User: dews
    • Password: dews
  9. You can use the Search options option in the bottom and copy the copied table name or search the table manually.
    • INFO: All tables are located in the public schema!

Supported satellite data sources

Copernicus Browser (Dataspace Copernicus)

Satellite Type Instrument Data Level Archive Naming Convention Support Status Additional Info
Sentinel-1A C-SAR Level-0 RAW S1A_IW_RAW_0SDV_(...)
Level-1 SLC S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_(...)
Level-1 GRD S1A_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_(...)
Level-1 GRD COG S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_(...) .dat files
Level-2 OCN S1A_IW_OCN_2SDV_(...) .nc files
Sentinel-1B No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Satellite Type Instrument Data Level Archive Naming Convention Support Status Additional Info
Sentinel-2A MSI L1C S2A_MSIL1C_(...)
MSI L2A S2A_MSIL2A_(...)
Sentinel-2B MSI L1C S2B_MSIL1C_(...)
MSI L2A S2B_MSIL2A_(...)
Satellite Type Instrument Data Level Archive Naming Convention Support Status Additional Info
Sentinel-3A OLCI Level-1 EFR S3A_OL_1_EFR____(...) .nc files
Level-1 ERR S3A_OL_1_ERR____(...) .nc files
Level-2 LFR S3A_OL_2_LFR____(...) .nc files
Level-2 LRR S3A_OL_2_LRR____(...) .nc files
Level-2 WFR S3A_OL_2_WFR____(...) .nc files
Level-2 WRR S3A_OL_2_WRR____(...) .nc files
SRAL Level-1 SRA No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-1 SRA_A No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-1 SRA_BS No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-2 LAN No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-2 WAT No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-2 LAN_HY No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-2 LAN_SI No data found at Copernicus Browser.
Level-2 LAN_LI No data found at Copernicus Browser.
SLSTR Level-1 RBT S3A_SL_1_RBT____(...) .nc files
Level-2 AOD S3A_SL_2_AOD____(...) .nc files
Level-2 FRP S3A_SL_2_FRP____(...) .nc files
Level-2 LST S3A_SL_2_LST____(...) .nc files
Level-2 WST S3A_SL_2_WST____(...) .nc files
SYNERGY Level-2 SY_SYN S3A_SY_2_SYN____(...) .nc files
Level-2 SY_V10 S3A_SY_2_V10____(...) .nc files
Level-2 SY_VGP S3A_SY_2_VGP____(...) .nc files
Sentinel-3B AOD S3B_SY_2_AOD____(...) .nc files
AUX S3B_SR___ROE_AX____(...) .nc files
OLCI Level-1 ERR S3B_OL_1_ERR____(...) .nc files
SLSTR Level-2 LST S3B_SL_2_LST____(...) .nc files
SYNERGY Level-2-SY-VG1 S3B_SY_2_VG1____(...) .nc files
Level-2-SY-VGP S3B_SY_2_VGP____(...) .nc files
Satellite Type Instrument Data Level Archive Naming Convention Support Status Additional Info
Sentinel-5P Work in progress, but no priority yet because this satellite's main observation goal is air pollution.
Satellite Type Instrument Data Level Archive Naming Convention Support Status Additional Info
Sentinel-6 Not available at Copernicus Browser.


The "Drought Early Warning System's DataHub" (DEWS-DH) is a satellite datahub which is used to show and store satellite image data. Metrics like the NDVI or SMI are calculated on demand. The images are imported into a PostGIS database were they can be requested by third-party software for further processing.







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