CLI battery status for linux
- Current battery level
- Current Energy
- Full charge energy
- Time elapsed from the start of the program, without tracking the sleep time of the machine
- Battery level history
$ sudo apt-get install make g++ libncurses5-dev
$ sudo make build
$ sudo make install
uses default global config file\etc\batstat.json
- a user config file is searched before the global config, under
. Note that this file is not automatically created, a user should manually create it. - For changes in the configuration, eighter modify the global config, or create a user config file.
- The default configuration file can be seen below:
// folder for finding battery info. By default "/sys/class/power_supply/"
"power_supply_path" : "/sys/class/power_supply/",
// refresh rate in seconds, integer value between 1 and 120. If provided value is not valid, 3, is used by default
"refresh_rate" : 3,
// battery history log rate. batstat will register a new log entry each after `log_rate` * `refresh_rate` seconds.
// integer value between 1 and 120. Default: 20
"log_rate" : 20
- Only 1 battery supported
- On arch systems (or other distros which use current/charge/voltage instead of energy/power) the program will now show the battery capacity in Ah and discharge in A. A fix for this is not obvious since
- ncurses C++ library
$ make