- 基于 RxJava
- 极简下载库,摒弃除了下载之外的一切“大而全”的莫须有功能
- 多线程,多区块,多断点续传
- 增量下载,文件增量增长
- 可配置
OnlyDownload 基于 Apache-2.0 协议开源, 协议详情参见 LICENSE
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (APACHE-2.0).
The purpose of this license is to prevent anti-labour-law companies from using the software or codes under the license, and force those companies to weigh their way of working
See a full list of projects under Anti-996 License
This draft is adapted from the MIT license. For more detailed explanation, please see Wiki. This license is designed to be compatible with all major open source licenses.
For law professionals or anyone who is willing to contribute to future version directly, please go to Anti-996-License-1.0. Thank you.