SmartX Multi-View is an Open-source implementation of SmartX Multi-View Visibility Framework (MVF) by leveraging various existing open-source monotiroing and data processing tools for Multisite SDN-Cloud Playgrounds. It can support Multiple layers of visibilities (i.e., resource, slice, flow and workload).
- Ubuntu Operating System 16.04.03 LTS (Xenial)
This is the second version of SmartX Multi-View software.
This version of SmartX Multi-View Visibility software supports Overlay-based Underlay Resource-layer, Physical Resource-layer, Virtual Resource-layer and Flow-layer visibilities.
- Visibility collection Using Intel Snap Telemetry Framework, sFlow, eBPF-based network packets collection, SDN network controllers (OpenDayLight and ONOS), and custom Java-based collectors.
- Visibility data transfer using Kafka and Zookeeper open-source Frameworks.
- Visibility storage and staging using MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Parquet, and InfluxDB DataStores.
- Visibility Integration using Spark Analytics Engine.
- Visibility Visualization using NodeJS, Express framework, Vis.js, D3.js, Bootstrap and others.
- SmartX multiview visibility framework leveraging open-source software for SDN-cloud playground.
- Physical-virtual topological visualization of OF@TEIN SDN-enabled multi-site cloud.
- OF@TEIN resource-level visibility for SDN-enabled distributed cloud testbed.
- Integrating Active Monitoring for Restricted Topology-awareness of SmartX Multi-View Playground Visibility.
New Collaboratrs are welcomed to join our SmartX Multi-View Visibility effort to make it widely usable Open-source software in enterprises.
Please checkout out our website for further information about K-ONE Project.
This work is supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (Global SDN/NFV OpenSource Software Module/Function Development).