Releases: KIT-Training-Electronic-Lab-Notebooks/Electronic-Lab-Notebooks-Basics
Releases · KIT-Training-Electronic-Lab-Notebooks/Electronic-Lab-Notebooks-Basics
Technical and style updates:
- Update based on the updates of the forked FAIR-by-design template that can also be found in the Release Notes of the FAIR-by-design Training of Trainers v1.1.0.
- Release Notes added to the syllabus.
- Added "admonition" to enable the use of info boxes. KIT-specific information as well as exercises and summaries are now presented as info boxes.
- Footnotes added.
- Tabs added.
Content updates:
- Split section "2.1 Introduction" into two sections: "2.1 Introduction" and "2.2 Selection of ELNs".
- Section "03 Conclusion" added.
- Updates on the difference between ELN and LIMS, the advantages of ELNs and Kadi4Mat.
- Added video on Chemotion from Youtube.
- Update on Welcome section.
- Update on Facilitator Guide and Lessons Plan.
- Powerpoint slides added.
First release