The code of the paper "Graph-based Model Generation for Few-Shot Relation Extraction". This paper has been accepted to EMNLP2022. You can find the main results (username is GM_GEN) in the paper on FewRel 1.0 competition on CodaLab competition websit: FewRel 1.0 Competition
We will release the paper link after camera ready.
python 3.7.10
PyTorch 1.7.1
transformers 4.7.0
You can find the training and validation data here: FewRel 1.0 data. For the test data, you can easily download from FewRel 1.0 competition website:
Put all data in the data folder, CP pretrained model in the CP_model folder (you can download CP model from or Google Drive)
You can train a 5-way-1-shot model by:
python --trainN 5 --N 5 --K 1 --Q 1 --pretrain_ckpt ../Bert4SemiRE/bert/BERT-BASE-UNCASED --cat_entity_rep --model gm_gen --dot
or a 5-way-5-shot model by:
python --trainN 5 --N 5 --K 5 --Q 1 --pretrain_ckpt ../Bert4SemiRE/bert/BERT-BASE-UNCASED --cat_entity_rep --model gm_gen
The learning rate of the generated model will affect the model performance, so we recommend that you select an appropriate learning rate through the valiadation set before setting the learning rate by:
python --trainN 5 --N 5 --K 5 --Q 1 --pretrain_ckpt ../Bert4SemiRE/bert/BERT-BASE-UNCASED --cat_entity_rep --model gm_gen --load_ckpt ./checkpoint/gm_gen-bert-train_wiki-val_wiki-5-1-dot-catentity.pth.tar --param_lr 0.0001 --test_params --only_test
Then, an online test can be performed by:
python --trainN 5 --N 5 --K 5 --Q 1 --pretrain_ckpt ../Bert4SemiRE/bert/BERT-BASE-UNCASED --cat_entity_rep --model gm_gen --test_online --load_ckpt ./checkpoint/gm_gen-bert-train_wiki-val_wiki-5-1-dot-catentity.pth.tar --test_lr 0.0001 --only_test
Some explanations of the parameters in the script:
the path of the trained model
the path of the pretrained model
the learning rate of the generated models on validation set
the learning rate of the generated models on test set
BERT on FewRel 1.0
5-way-1-shot | 5-way-5-shot | 10-way-1-shot | 10-way-5-shot | |
Val | 92.65 | 95.62 | 86.81 | 91.27 |
Test | 94.89 | 96.96 | 91.23 | 94.30 |
CP on FewRel 1.0
5-way-1-shot | 5-way-5-shot | 10-way-1-shot | 10-way-5-shot | |
Val | 96.97 | 98.32 | 93.97 | 96.58 |
Test | 97.03 | 98.34 | 94.99 | 96.91 |