This repository uses the seaborn module in python to create a heatmap of each CPUs Utilization over a specified period of time.
A. Python3 Libraries
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Numpy
B. System Activity Report (SAR) tool on Linux
./ <CSV CPU List> <Timespan>
./ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 10
The heatmap obtained will look something like this.
Here the X-axis is a plot of the timespan specified (10s) and the Y-axis corrosponds to the Number of Cores. This heatmap indicates individual CPU utilization during every second of the workload.
To change the number of cores, open
and change the value of numCPU
Example of a 1 minute workload on a 32-Core (Logical) machine