Tags: KaelChen/incubator-mxnet
Prep for 0.12.1: Version Updates (apache#8567) * Final Changes for 0.12.1 * Prep 0.12.1: Changes * Initial Changes to NEWS.md
Prep for 0.12.1: Version Updates (apache#8567) * Final Changes for 0.12.1 * Prep 0.12.1: Changes * Initial Changes to NEWS.md
Change RC version in NEWS (apache#7467) * add Naveen's Code Signing Key (apache#7460) * Updating CoreML readme file (apache#7459) * Fixing CoreML converter's README: typos/grammar/etc. * CoreML converter README update: Talk about layers first and then about models. * Providing examples on converting various standard models; calling out issues with InceptionV3. * Update NEWS * Update NEWS
Website fix (apache#7435) * Modify website * Small fix * Fix