This is the course source code. You can browse through the version history and download the code. Better yet, you can fork this repository and make your own Login System.
In this course we're creating a Login and Registration system using:
- MySQL (and PDO, not MySQLi function)
- JavaScript, jQuery and Ajax
- Ajax will return JSON formats
- (free)
- Skillshare
- Udemy $10 Coupon
- YouTube (undecided)
This is a fast paced course. You should already be somewhat familiar with JavaScript basics and PHP basics (variables, comparisons, operators, and have at least seen functions). If you need to learn JavaScript from my latest course at one of these locations:
- JavaScript Essentials Course (free on Arkmont)
- JavaScript Essentials Course on Udemy
- JavaScript Essentials on Skillshare
And you can learn PHP, MySQL, jQuery and Ajax from my Complete Web Development Course on YouTube