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=== MaxiCharts ===
Contributors: maxicharts
Tags: gravity, forms, chart, chartsjs, graph, graphs, visualisation, survey, gravityforms, radio, field, checkbox, dropdown, text, likert, entry, stats, visualization, HTML5, canvas, pie chart, line chart, charts, chart js, plugin, widget, shortcode
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.8
Stable tag: 2.7

Create beautiful HTML5 charts from Gravity Forms submission data with a simple shortcode. You can also visualise CSV files as graphs.

== Description ==

Create beautiful [Chartsjs]( "Chartsjs") charts from [Gravity Forms]( "Gravity Forms") submission data or [CSV data]( "CSV add-on") with a simple shortcode.
Use all your past data to visualize advanced statistics in a few clics. *You NEED to install at least one add-on in order to use shortcodes.*

Requires Gravity Forms v2.3+


[>> Demonstration site <<]( "Demonstration")

### Add-ons ###

*You NEED to install at least one of them:*

* [Maxicharts Gravity Forms source add-on]( "GF Add-on") : chart all **Gravity Forms** submission data
* [MaxiCharts CSV add-on]( "CSV add-on") : in order to graph **CSV** files

*Optional add-ons:*

* [MaxiCharts Gravity View add-on]( "Gravity View add-on") : in order to filter entries on **Gravity View** "approved" ones
* [MaxiCharts Query Builder add-on]( "Query Builder add-on") : Real time filter entries on graph using [Query Builder]( "Query Builder")
* [MaxiCharts Extended Colors add-on]( "Extended Colors") : Extended colors sets

### Usage ###

Use the post visual editor brand new button to add as many shortcodes as you want in a few clics !
You need to **install the core MaxiCharts plugin in any case**, then if you use, for example Gravity Forms add-on, the shortcode processed is:

`[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="form_id" include="fieldNb1,fieldNb2,fieldNb3,.." exclude="fieldNb4,fieldNb5,..." color_set="set" type="graphType" width="width(px|%)" float="true|false" chart_js_options="options"]`

where all parameters are optional:

* *gf_form_id* : expects the **form ID** in Gravity Forms (defaults to first form : id=1)
* *type* : is [the type of graph](, at the moment only **line,pie,doughnut,bar,horizontalBar** available (defaults to pie)
* *include* : expects the **field ids** to include (example : `include="1,3,4"`)
* *exclude* : expects the **field ids** to exlude (example : `exclude="2,4,6"`)

see [all parameters on demonstration site]( "All parameters") 

### Examples ###
Display all fields of form #1 as pie charts with custom [chartjs options]( for titles:

`[gfchartsreports chart_js_options="title: {display: true, text: 'My Funky Chart Title', fontSize:28,fontFamily:'Arial',fontColor:'#00B88A',fontStyle:'bold',padding:20}"]`

Displays fields 4, 7 and 18 of gravity form #3 with bar charts. Default colors used.

`[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="3" include="4,7,18" type="bar"]`

Displays field 2 of gravity form #2 with default pie chart. Use red color set, with not randomization.

`[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="2" include="2" color_set="red"]`

Displays all but fields 4,7,18 of gravity form #8 with horizontalBar type charts. Use blue color set, randomized.

`[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="8" exclude="4,7,18" color_set="blue" color_rand="true" type="horizontalBar"]`

More examples here : [>> Demonstration site <<]( "Demonstration")

== Installation ==

[>> Demonstration site <<]( "Demonstration")

### Easy ###
1. Search via plugins > add new.
2. Find the plugin listed and click activate.
3. Use the Shortcode

== Screenshots ==

[>> Demonstration site <<]( "Demonstration")

1. Chart report example 1
2. Chart report example 2
3. Chart report example 3

== Changelog ==

[>> Demonstration site <<]( "Demonstration")

* 1.7.6 - php warning fixed

* 1.7.5 - log level as a parameter

* 1.7.4 - new maximum_fraction_digits parameter

* 1.7.3 - js rounding issue fixed

* 1.7.2 - information_source bug fix

* 1.7.1 - more parameters on datalabels

* 1.7.0 - introducing datalabels

* 1.6.7 - log level back to normal (warn)

* 1.6.6 - reduce space before : in tooltips

* 1.6.5 - no_entries_custom_message bug fixed

* 1.6.4 - automatic std dev annotation

* 1.6.3 - automatic mean for numeric datasets added

* 1.6.2 - box annotation added

* 1.6.1 - previous options fixed

* 1.6.0 - charjs upgraded to 2.9.3 / annotation plugin added

* 1.5.2 - better labels cleaning

* 1.5.1 - filter parameter fix

* 1.5.0 - new singleton structure

* 1.4.12 - bug fix on gf_entry_id

* 1.4.11 - bug on line charts

* 1.4.10 - bug on array access :

* 1.4.9 - bug fix for :

* 1.4.6 - more error msg feedback

* 1.4.5 - date_end filter added : accepts any strtotime input

* 1.4.4 - date_start filter added : accepts any strtotime input

* 1.4.3 - half doughnuts and pies

* 1.4.2 - radar charts with alpha backgrounds

* 1.4.1 - CSV patch added :

* 1.4.0 - Radar charts enhancements

* 1.3.4 - betsy bug

* 1.3.3 - bug fix on field filters, and log level set to info

* 1.3.2 - radar tests

* 1.3.1 - randomize color sets upon new ones

* 1.3 - color management upgraded for new add-on

* 1.2.5 - boolval bug fix for PHP < 5.5

* 1.2.4 - data conversion now converts to locale (solves , or . problems)

* 1.2.3 - table round precision set to 0 (parameter in next versions)

* 1.2.2 - multiple custom criteria (query builder and user custom) managed

* 1.2.1 - adjustments on number formats for UK clients

* 1.2 - tiny mce editor button gf forms pre-load fixed

* 1.1.4 - tick size fixed

* 1.1.3 - stepSize: 1

* 1.1.2 - back to only int fields

* 1.1.1 - new mode parameter compatibility

* 1.1 - query builder compatibility

* 1.0.9 - bug on button editor boolean values fixed

* 1.0.8 - only_data internal parameter added in order to manage query builder add-on

* 1.0.7 - multisite management for button in editor

* 1.0.6 - bug on tooltips

* 1.0.5 - warning fixed :

* 1.0.4 - tinymce still bugs

* 1.0.3 - random

* 1.0.2 - tinymce bug fixed

* 1.0.1 - logger issues fixed

* 1.0 - First stable release.


MaxiCharts core WP plugin






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  • PHP 60.0%
  • JavaScript 39.1%
  • CSS 0.9%