![Deutsche eMark Donate](https://badgen.net/badge/peercoin/Donate/green?icon=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peercoin/media/84710cca6c3c8d2d79676e5260cc8d1cd729a427/Deutsche eMark%202020%20Logo%20Files/01.%20Icon%20Only/Inside%20Circle/Transparent/Green%20Icon/peercoin-icon-green-transparent.svg)
Wallet for Deutsche eMark and Deutsche eMark Testnet using Electrumx as backend.
App in constant development
Use at own risk.
You can also sign up for our open beta testing here:
- will not mint
Build multicoinlib
This repository relies on
Please follow the build instructions for your OS here:
Update icons
dart run flutter_launcher_icons:main
Update Hive adapters
dart run build_runner build
Update splash screen
dart run flutter_native_splash:create
Generate proto files
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/generated -Iprotos protos/marisma.proto
Build for web
flutter pub global activate peanut
flutter pub global run peanut -b production
Web files are now on the production branch and ready to be deployed.
This will use the html renderer by default. Add --web-renderer canvas to peanut if you want to switch to the canvas renderer.
flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver=test_driver/key_new.dart
flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver=test_driver/key_imported.dart