Project for a course titled 'Formal Languages And Translation Techniques' (Języki Formalne i Techniki Translacji) at the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology (WPPT), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PWr). This course is for 5th semester of computer science studies.
Another purpose of this project was to learn Python3, so there are pieces of code that could be refactored (maybe some day).
The src folder contains source code for the project, tests. Examples folder contains example programs which are written in imperative language which can be compiled with this compiler and then executed on virtual machine. Maszyna_wirtualna is the folder containing virtual machine. The source code of virtual machine was written by the course lecturer - Maciej Gębala. All the content in the folder maszyna_wirtualna belongs to him. Virtual machine has two versions: classic and dedicated to big numbers (running it requires installation of additional package). More info about requirements and task specification in labor4.pdf file.
Some tests in srs/utils_test folder are neither refactored nor working yet. There is a plan to make them work in the future and adjust them to the newest version of the compiler.
Python 3.7 and SLY library are required to run the compiler. SLY (Sly Lex Yacc) is the library for writing parsers and compilers. CLN (Class Library for Numbers) is required to build virtual machine dedicated for big numbers.
Example installation of the packages on Ubuntu.
Update apt-get and then install python 3.7:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install python3.7
Install pip (standard package manager for Python packages) and then install SLY using pip for Python 3.7:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ python3.7 -m pip install sly
If you want to use virtual machine working on big numbers, you need to install cln library:
$ sudo apt-get install libcln-dev
Go to root folder (repository folder).
Build virtual machine (1) or virtual machine for big numbers (2):
$ cd maszyna_wirtualna
(1) $ make maszyna-wirtualna
(2) $ make maszyna-wirtualna-cln
$ cd ..
Run compiler:
$ python3.7 src/ source_filename output_filename
$ kompilator source_filename output_filename
Use virtual machine (classic or big numbers) to run the generated code:
$ ./maszyna_wirtualna/maszyna-wirtualna output_filename
$ ./maszyna_wirtualna/maszyna-wirtualna-cln output_filename