ROS1 package for detecting and tracking objects using SAM, Cutie, GroundingDINO and DEVA, inspired by detic_ros.
Tested : image of 480X640 30hz, 3090ti
sam_node publishes segmentation prompt which is used by cutie_node to track objects. It runs almost real-time (~30hz).
deva_ndoe queries objects GroundingDINO and SAM at some intervals, so it can track new object after tracking is started. It runs ~15hz and you can adjust cfg['detection_every']
for performance.
See node_scripts/
This package is build upon
- ROS1 (Noetic)
- catkin virtualenv (python>=3.9 used for DEVA)
- (Optional) docker and nvidia-container-toolkit (for environment safety)
If you want build this package directly on your workspace, please be aware of python environment dependencies (python3.9 and pytorch is needed to build package).
mkdir -p ~/ros/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/ros/catkin_ws/src
git clone
wstool init
wstool merge -t . tracking_ros/rosinstall.noetic
wstool update -t . # jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_visualization for GUI
cd tracking_ros && ./
cd ~/ros/catkin_ws && catkin b
Otherwise, you can build this package on docker environment.
git clone
cd tracking_ros
docker build -t tracking_ros .
Please refer sample_track.launch and deva.launch
roslaunch tracking_ros sample_track.launch \
input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
mode:=prompt \
model_type:=vit_t \
You need to launch tracker and gui seperately cause docker doesn't have gui, so launch tracker by
./run_docker -host pr1040 -mount ./launch -name track.launch \
input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
mode:=prompt \
model_type:=vit_t \
: hostname likepr1040
: mount launch file directory for launch inside docker.-name
: launch file name to run
and launch rqt gui on your gui machine by
roslaunch tracking_ros sam_gui.launch
roslaunch tracking_ros deva.launch \
input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
classes:="monitor; keyboard; cup" \
model_type:=vit_t \
./run_docker -host pr1040 -mount ./launch -name deva.launch \
input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
classes:="monitor; keyboard; cup" \
model_type:=vit_t \
- add rostest and docker build test
- add CoTracker and Track Any Point.