Implementing Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation using the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) algorithm in a ROS2 Gazebo simulation environment. The robot learns to navigate to random goal points while avoiding obstacles, utilizing laser sensor data for obstacle detection and polar coordinates for goal specification. The training process is conducted in ROS2 Gazebo using PyTorch, with testing performed in ROS2 Foxy on Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8.10, and PyTorch 1.10.
Training example (Notice how robot fails to reach goal and collides almost every time):
Testing example (Notice how robot reaches goal state almost every time):
Some more information about the implementation is available here
Main dependencies:
Clone the repository:
$ cd ~
### Clone this repo
$ git clone
The network can be run with a standard 2D laser, but this implementation uses a simulated 3D Velodyne sensor
Clean the previous workspace:
$ cd ~/DRL-for-mobile-robots
$ rm -rf build install log
$ colcon clean
$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
Compile the workspace:
$ cd ~/DRL-for-mobile-robots
### Compile
$ colcon build
Open a terminal and set up sources:
$ cd
$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
$ source DRL-for-mobile-robots/install/setup.bash
Run the training:
$ ros2 launch td3
To check the training process on tensorboard:
1. Navigate to src/td3/scripts/
2. Open this file in Visual Studio
3. Click on launch Tensorboard application
To kill the training process:
$ [Ctrl+C]
Once training is completed (Took me ~7500 episodes), test the model:
$ ros2 launch td3
To-do a comprehensive comparative analysis between using the conventional approaches and TD3 for autonomous navigation of mobile robot in indoor environments.