The Launchpad is the Ethereum Foundation's official way to deposit your Eth for Ethereum 2.0
- Status: This Launchpad is in active development for testnet
- Technology stack:
To have full functionality of the Launchpad, you must create an .env
file in your root directory and add an environment variable.
The Infura Project ID will enable the network status progress bar showing the balance of the Deposit Contract
Note: The Portis wallet option is not available when running locally
Available Scripts
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Install Dependencies and Start the Application
yarn start
As part of the Translation Program, our community of translators is also working on translating the Eth2 Launchpad.
If you are interested in getting involved and helping with the translations, please visit the project in Crowdin.
After joining the project, you can start translating by opening your desired language from the language list. If your language isn't available, please reach out to Team on Crowdin or open an issue to request adding a new language for translation.
Detailed information on using Crowdin is available in the Crowdin Online Editor documentation.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal - For more information read the LICENSE